


Ambidexterity and Sustainability: The Dynamic Correlation among Resource Employment, Ambidexterity, and Firm Performance




劉芬美(Fen-may Liou);蔡淵輝(Yuan-Hui Tsai);凃資芬(Tzu-Fen Tu)


雙元能力 ; 探索能力 ; 應用能力 ; 動態能力 ; 動態關聯 ; Ambidexterity ; Exploration ; Exploitation ; Dynamic Capability ; Dynamic correlation




24卷3期(2017 / 07 / 01)


433 - 454




「雙元能力」強調企業必須平衡短期「應用能力」及長期「探索能力」才能維持永續成長,但對於資源投入如何建構雙元能力進而影響績效,仍待探討。企業從資源投入、能力建構、獲得績效、經檢討再回饋投資源入,這一連串動態調整的過程是企業永續經營的基礎。本研究以「資源基礎理論」及「動態能力」為基礎建構「資源投入-雙元能力-績效」之動態理論架構。在實證面,利用台灣電子產業2007-2016 年之財報資料,檢測應用能力變動與探索能力變動分別對於行銷投入變動與績效變動間、研發投入變動與績效變動間之中介影響。經實證研究結果顯示:(1)行銷資源投入變動對企業績效變動具有直接正U效果,而研發資源變動則是倒U效果。(2)行銷資源投入變動對應用能力變動具有正U效果,而研發資源變動對探索能力變動具正向影響效果。(3)探索能力變動對研發資源變動對績效變動之影響,具部分中介效果,而應用能力變動對行銷資源變動對績效變動影響之中介效果則不顯著,此結果顯示台灣電子業廠商的應用能力之建構效能有待開發,以利持續成長;另研發投入則需加強資源配置間之效率,以達到永續發展。本研究為雙元能力學說建立一個產業可用的理論架構,檢視企業長短期能力的建構狀態。


Successful ambidexterity requires firms to balance exploitation and exploration for sustained performance. The implementation process involving resource allocations, competence building, targeted goals and their results constitutes a loop enabling firms to respond dynamically to the strengths and constrains toward enhancing performance and building new competence. To understand the mediation effects of exploitation and exploration on the relationship between resource employments and frim performance, we propose a resource inputs-ambidexterity- performance framework resting on the resource-based theory and the dynamic capabilities view, by which we empirically examined the data drawn from the electronics industry in Taiwan. The results are: (1) variation of marketing resource employments shows a U-shape effect on variation of firm performance and on variation of R&D resource employments an inverse U shape is found; (2) variation of marketing resource employments shows a U-shape effect on variation of exploitation and the variation of R&D resource employments presents a positively constant effect on variation of exploration; and (3) variation of exploration has a partial mediation effect on the relationship between variation of R&D resource employments and variation of firm performance but there is no mediation effect on the relationship between variation of marketing resource employments and variation of firm performance. These results indicate the need for Taiwan electronics firms to improve the resource deployment efficiency and to construct more effective exploration for sustainability. This paper contributes to the ambidexterity proposition by developing a useful theoretical framework that can be used to evaluate firms’ exploitation-exploration configuration.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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