


The Effects of Service Guarantee Design and Bond Creditability on Perceived Risk and Invoking Intention




葉子明(Tsu-Ming Yeh);白凢芸(Fan-Yun Pai);陳宇岳(Yu-Yueh Chen)


服務保證 ; 擔保可信度 ; 認知風險 ; 求償意願 ; Service Guarantee ; Bond Credibility ; Perceived Risk ; Invoking Intention




24卷4期(2017 / 10 / 01)


477 - 503






It is not easy to evaluate the quality of service before purchase because of the characteristics of service, such as intangibility and heterogeneity. Therefore, perceived uncertainty and risk is higher when customers purchase intangible service than when they purchase tangible goods. To increase purchasing intention, firms are eager to reduce customers' perceived risk by send singles. One of the most often used single is providing service guarantee. This study addresses two types of service guarantees with high and low levels of compensation and uses bond credibility (BC) as a moderator to investigate the interaction of service guarantee types and BC and that of compensation levels and BC. An experiment procedure is employed and 8 scenarios in hotel service are used. The results of ANOVA test show that specific guarantee, compared to the unconditional guarantee, reduces both consumers perceived performance and financial risk but increases customer invoking intention. In addition, compared to low compensation level, a service guarantee with high compensation level also can lower perceived performance risk and increase customer invoking intention. Finally, it is found that high BC can close both perceived risk gap and invoking intention gap between unconditional and specific service guarantee and between high and low compensation level.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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