


Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The Mediating Roles of Market Orientation and Technology Strategy




黃惠輝(Hui-Hui Huang);陳志遠(Chih-Yuan Chen);魏式琦(Shyh-Chyi Wey)


創業導向 ; 市塲導向 ; 技術策略 ; 廠商績效 ; 多重中介模型 ; Entrepreneurial Orientation ; Market Orientation ; Technology Strategy ; Firm Performance ; A Multiple Mediating Model




25卷2期(2018 / 04 / 01)


227 - 258




市場導向(market orientation, MO)與技術策略(technology strategy, TS)兩者對於創業型廠商都是重要的,MO重視顧客需求,而TS則強調達到技術卓越的策略;為提升廠商績效,MO與TS所採行的途徑有所不同,但兩者卻是具有互補性。然而,在過去創業導向(entrepreneurial orientation, EO)文獻中,並未有相關的研究整合性地探討MO與TS之變數在「EO→廠商績效」關係間的中介效果。因此,本研究建立一個多重中介模型的整合性架構,探討EO如何經由MO與TS之多重中介變數以影響廠商績效。本研究針對在車輛零組件供應網絡中的廠商進行調查,並使用多重中介效果檢定方法,實證結果顯示,EO會經由MO與TS之多項中介變數,提升廠商績效。於是,進一步檢視各項中介變數的相對效果強度。首先,就MO的兩項中介變數而言,顯示EO經由預應性MO的間接效果較強於經由回應性MO的間接效果。其次,就TS的三項中介變數而言,顯示EO經由內部研發投資的間接效果較強於經由運用智權保護方法的間接效果,然而,EO經由運用運用外部技術來源的間接效果則不顯著。


Both market orientation (MO) and technology strategy (TS) are important for entrepreneurial firms; MO focuses on customer needs, while TS stresses the importance of the technological superiority. MO and TO may differ in the approach to achieve high firm performance, but both are complementary to accomplish it. Nonetheless, in the prior literature of entrepreneurial orientation (EO), the variables of MO and TO that simultaneously mediate the 「EO→ firm performance」 relationship have not been holistically investigated. Accordingly, this study constructs a multiple mediation model, an integrated conceptual framework, to examine comprehensively how EO influences firm performance through the multiple mediating variables of MO and TS. Through carrying out a survey on the firms in the supply network of vehicle component industry, and applying a testing method on multiple mediating effects, the empirical result indicates that EO would increase firm performance through the multiple mediating variables of MO and TS. Accordingly, the relative magnitudes of the effects associated with all mediators are further examined in this study. First, in terms of the two mediating variables of MO, the result shows that the indirect effect of EO through proactive MO is larger than that through responsive MO. And then, in terms of the three mediation variables of TS, the result reveals that the indirect effect of EO through internal R&D spending is larger than that through using the means of intellectual capital protection, while the indirect effect of EO through using external technology sources is insignificant.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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