


Contradiction of Performance Feedback and Innovation Patterns: An Example for Taiwan-Listed Semiconductor Firms




曾真真(Jen-Jen Tseng);曾曉萍(Hsiao-Ping Tsen);賴勇成(Yung-Cheng Lai)


績效回饋 ; 創新型態 ; 期望目標 ; 探索 ; 應用 ; Performance Feedback ; Innovation Pattern ; Aspiration Level ; Exploration ; Exploitation




27卷4期(2020 / 10 / 01)


387 - 408




績效回饋如何影響組織適應是組織和策略研究中的重要議題。本研究延伸這一研究主軸,探討績效回饋對創新型態的影響。另外,探索和應用是創新的兩種形態,對公司的長期發展至關重要,因此我們特別採台灣上市櫃IC公司進行實證,以瞭解正回饋、負回饋及二種不一致的回饋對探索和應用二種創新活動的影響。實證時以台灣上市櫃IC業的152家公司1309個觀測值以GEE Poisson迴歸進行實證,研究結果發現正績效愈有助探索創新;負績效會降低探索創新。當廠商績效進步,但績效仍低於同業時,較會從事應用創新;廠商績效雖然退步,但仍超越同業時,較會從事探索創新。


How performance feedback affects organizational adaptation is an important issue in organization and strategy. This study extends this line of research exploring the impact on inconsistent performance feedback on innovation patterns. At the firm-level, exploration and exploitation are two forms of organizational innovation that are crucial for a company’s long-term prosperity. Therefore, we conduct empirical research through the Taiwanese IC industry, and examine the impact of positive feedback, negative feedback and inconsistent feedback on exploration and development innovation activities. We study a sample of 152 firms including 1,309 observations in the Taiwanese IC industry. Our findings of estimated by the generalized estimating equations (GEE) Poisson regression indicated that having positive performance made firms in increasing its exploration, but negative performance of the firms made its exploration decreasing. Firm is more likely to exploitation of innovation while its performance increased relative to the past even if its performance is lower than competitors. On the other hands, the firm is more likely to exploration of innovation when its performance increased relative to the competitors even though its performance is declined relative to the past.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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