


Are Audit Partners' Legitimate and Expert Power Important? Clients' Financial Risk and Audit Quality Perspective




孔繁華(Fan-Hua Kung)


合夥會計師 ; 合法權力 ; 專家權力 ; 產業專家 ; 審計品質 ; Audit Partners ; Legitimate Power ; Expert Power ; Auditor Industry Specialist ; Audit Quality




28卷4期(2021 / 10 / 01)


431 - 477






The purpose of this paper is to examine whether power of audit partners is reflected in the composition of their client portfolios and audit quality. Audit partners with legitimate power tend to focus optimistically on the potential rewards. This makes them more likely to attach importance to potential returns from risk-related actions, thereby accepting clients with greater financial risk. Alternatively, audit partners with legitime power may be more concerned with reputation preservation, fearing that the business failure of a high financial risk client exposes him or her to the risk of possible audit failure and litigation. Furthermore, because auditor industry expertise has better audit quality, there should be some impact on the client selection and audit quality of high financial risk clients when audit partners have both legitimate and expert powers. The findings show that lead or concurring partners with legitimate power are inclined towards risk aversion in their client choice. Lead partners with both legitimate and expert powers tend to accept clients with higher financial risk. Moreover, clients with high financial risk that are audited by lead partners with legitimate power are inclined to permit the downward earnings management. Audit partners with both legitimate power and expert power provide higher audit quality. In summary, audit partners with legitimate power and expert power are important factors affecting their acceptance of appointments of high financial risk clients and their audit quality. This paper is the first empirical article exploring audit partners' legitimate power and expert power. Through the results of this paper, we hope to fill in the gaps in the literature on the influence of audit partner characteristics on the preference of client selection and audit quality.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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