This research applies data from the "Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure" of the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, for 2013-2017, to a quantile regression analysis of the relationship among the degree of digitization, wealth, and income in different quantiles. The empirical results reveal that the degree of digitization, income, and wealth in all quantiles exhibited a significantly positive mutual relationship in ordinary least squares and quantile regression, but the quantile effect differed for different quantiles, thereby robustly supporting the hypothesis. Households with more access to digital tools, information, and platforms generate more wealth and income owing to the value added by technological advances. The converse is also true; high-income or high-wealth households have more capital and knowledge to purchase and wisely use advanced digital devices and information, thus increasing their degree of digitization, ultimately resulting in higher wealth and income. However, for households in the lowest 10 quantiles for wealth or income with less capital to purchase digital devices and platforms, their access to and usage of digital devices and platforms generally increase wealth or income only marginally. The long-term large and small positive effects of higher and lower quantiles of wealth, income, and degree of digitization eventually form an M-shaped society wherein the increasing gap in both wealth and information between the rich and the poor worsens social inequality.
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