


Interweaving of Textual Memories: Intertextualilty in Hsiyou bu




劉雪眞(Hsueh-Chen Liu)


西遊補 ; 互文性 ; 互文語境 ; 文學語境 ; Supplement to Journey to the West ; Intetextuality ; literary context




19期(2007 / 07 / 01)


111 - 137




《西遊補》乃小說續書中頗具獨創性者,仍立基於傳統文學。它與許多文本關係密切,如《西遊記》、屈原〈天問〉、《史記》〈秦始皇本紀〉〈項羽本紀〉、唐傳奇〈枕中記〉、《宋史》〈岳飛傳〉〈秦檜傳〉等。它以各種方式總滙這些文本,呈現自身的文學想像、表意結構與價值系統。本文即以互文性(intertextuality)概念討論《西遊補》如何引用、改寫、扭曲、擴展或濃縮其他文本。 《西遊補》承繼《西遊記》「心猿」主題,進入孫悟空內心深層,藉夢境展現其潛意識,其限制視角及文人化敘述表露更多作者個人見解、情感。小說夢境神化秦始皇,渲染迷離氣氛,亦顯現行者的倦怠;扭曲《史記》項羽形象寄寓諷刺,凸顯棄私情而心懷家國之旨;戲劇化獎懲秦檜及岳飛,加強《宋史》論述,呼應晚明外族入侵的歷史語境;戲仿(parody)屈原〈天問〉,則蘊含似戲謔卻悲憤的悖論(paradox)。整體結構與楊林系列故事相似,經「入夢、試煉、出夢、啟悟」歷程,主角出夢的領悟,恰回到《西遊記》「洗心滌垢」情節。


Hsiyou bu (Supplement to Journey to the West) is the most original among the many novel sequels in Chinese literature. No matter how original it may be, it is still rooted in literary tradition. Several texts in the Chinese literary tradition, such as Journey to the West (西遊記), The Records of the Grand Historian (史記), Heavenly Celestial Questioning (天問) and other stories and biographies in the Tang chuanqi (傳奇) stories and Sung History, which are closely related to the Supplement. Using these literary sources, the Supplement displays its literary imagination, semantic structure and value system. The concept of ”intertextuality” is employed in this article to discuss how the Supplement uses, adapts, twists, expand or condenses the sources, so as to see the interconnectedness of the texts and its significance. For instance, following the theme of ”mind-Monkey”(心猿) in the Journey to the West, the Supplement looks deeper into the mind of the Monkey, revealing the thought and feeling in the subconscious level. By treating the story in a limited perspective involving intellectually-oriented narration, the author gains an access to see things differently and to express his personal views better. Monkey's deification of the first Emperor of Qin will no doubt create an aura of dream world and display the human aspect of the Monkey. Twisted image of Xiang Yu (項羽) is obvious parody in reveal the theme of nation over personal concerns. The trial of Qin Kuai(秦檜) and the glorification of Yue Fei(岳飛) can be seen as areinforcement in a dramatic way of the discourse of what Song History has already put in and reveals the author's concern with the social reality. The parody of Qu Yuan's Clestial Questioning is one way to show off the author's learning and his resentment. In the final analysis, the structure of the Supplement is similar to that of the Yang Lin series of stories (楊林): ”entering the dream world-trial-return to reality-initiation” pattern. After entering into and returning from the dream world, Monkey is initiated and becomes enlightened.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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