


Enlightenment and Re-creation: Functions of the Historical Narrative in the New Novel of the Late Qing Dynasty




林香伶(Hsiang-Ling Lin)


晚清 ; 新小說 ; 小說界革命 ; 歷史敘述 ; 歷史想像 ; Late Qing Dynasty ; the New Novel ; the historical narrative ; historical imagination




21期(2009 / 07 / 01)


113 - 147






During the late Qing dynasty, scholars like Yan Fu(嚴復), Xia Zengyou (夏曾佑)and Kang Youwei(康有爲)were conscious of the social power of the novel and raised this genre to ”the highest status” in literature. In 1902, Liang Qichao(梁啟超)published The New Novel journal in Yokohama, Japan and initiated a revolution in the field of the narrative. The ”new novel” thus became a historical term of significance in the late Qing dynasty. This article argues that the new novel should be interpreted as an historical narrative and explores its development and functions in the late Qing from four perspectives. First, the problems involving the term ”the new novel of the late Qing” are explained so as to clarify its meaning. Second, by applying the perspectives of the public field, social history, and biography, this article studies the relationship between the historical narrative and the ”new novel.” Third, from the perspective of enlightenment, this article asserts that due to the authors' sense of crisis and feeling of sorrow in their time, the ”new novel” reveals a great deal of the late Qing history in its narration. Fourth, in terms of re-creation, this article discovers that ”the new novel of the late Qing” used historical imagination to establish a new narrative style, which may be termed as ”renovated novel” and concludes that the “new novel” should be studied with new perspectives.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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