


Inheritance and New Development of the Study of the Four Books in Yuan Dynasty-Hsu Ch'ien as an Example




廖雲仙(Yu-Hsien Liao)


元代 ; 四書 ; 許謙 ; 讀四書叢說 ; The Yuan Dynasty ; Four Books ; Hsu Chien ; Collected Annotations on the Four Books




21期(2009 / 07 / 01)


67 - 87






Chu Hsi is the main scholar of Song Dynasty Confucian studies and his major writing is Collected Annotations on The Four Books. Soon after Chu Hsi died, the Mongolian Yuan ruled China. Most of the Han intellectuals were not willing to serve as officials. They lived in seclusion and spent their days writing books. They read Chu Hsi's writings and wrote most of their scholarly essays and books on Chu Hsi. The most important books these intellectuals wrote are the works on The Four Books. Many scholars thought the works on The Four Books of the Yuan Dynasty Confucian scholars only explained Chu His's Collected Annotations. In fact, the Yuan scholars were quite practical; they supplemented and revised Chu His's Collected Annotations based on supporting evidence without relying on other scholars' opinion or being limited to any hidebound explanation. The Yuan Dynasty works on The Four Books displayed both inheritance and new development. This article takes Yuan scholar Hsu Ch'ien as an example, because Hsu Ch'ien was a Jinhua scholar, a true successor to Chu Hsi. By examining Hsu Ch'ien's Du Sishu Congshuo carefully, we discover that he not only esteemed and exalted Chu His's theory, but also supplemented and revised it. Hsu Ch'ien's academic performance resulted not only from his in-depth studies, but also from his teachers’ influence, especially from Wang Bo and Jin Luxiang. I discuss from varied perspectives the Yuan Dynasty works on The Four Books, Hsu Ch'ien's life and his writings, and Hsu Ch'ien's inheritance and development of Chu His's Collected Annotations. I hope my research will make up for negligence of and prejudice against Yuan Dynasty researches in history of Confucian Classics Studies, and it will be helpful in enhancing the Yuan Dynasty Four Books studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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