


Probing Hard-to-Crack Words in the "Book of Ode" (1)




呂珍玉(Chen-Yu Lu)


詩經 ; 字詞 ; 訓詁 ; 詞典 ; the "Book of Ode" ; words ; philological study ; dictionary




24期(2012 / 07 / 01)


1 - 50






Philological studies are a prerequisite of a true understanding of classics. It is therefore important in the first place to understand what the words and phrases are meant. However, since different exegeses abound and scatter in different kinds of related texts throughout historical times and as usual turn out to be divergent in the interpretations of the philological and canonical meanings, ample space is still allowed for further investigations. Investigation into such problems has been one major concern of the author in recent academic endeavors. In this article, the author chooses to select ten items to elucidate what the problems might be and how we can approach them through meticulous examination and analysis. The approaches adopted in the study include collection of exegeses from different historical periods, evaluation of their strengths and weakness, and the fleshing out of the problems encountered in the exegeses of texts. The spadework includes tracking down the origin of the form, sound and meaning of old scripts, deciphering the polysemy of monosyllabic words, analysis of lexical structure, grasping the distinction between reduplicates and compounds, ferreting out the difference between lexemes and function words, capturing the original, extended and borrowed senses, and pinning down the context-dependent meaning. These ultimately concern the interface between syntax and semantics. The practice enfolded in this article critically tackles the various problems encountered in the study of the ”Book of Ode” and attempts to help solve them and provide apt and precise accounts closely reflecting the original senses in this book.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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