


The Morphology of 揭Jie(<*giat) as Reflected in Classics and Southern Min Dialect


楊秀芳(Hsiu-Fang Yang)


形態變化 ; 詞族 ; 同源詞 ; 層次研究 ; Morphological alternation ; Word family ; Cognate ; Strata research




28期(2014 / 12 / 01)


203 - 225






This article investigates the morphology of 揭Jie (<*giat) by using evidences drawing from the classics and Southern Min dialect. The cognates and the etymological origins of the word family of 揭Jie are also explored.Four forms of 揭Jie could be attested in classical documents: (1) intransitive verb *giat; (2) transitive verb *giat; (3) transitive verb *kiat; and (4) transitive verb *khiad.This article suggests that the *kiat of form (3) was derived from *giat of form (1) by the process of devoicing. This is the usual way to produce a transitive verb from a causativized intransitive one with voiced initial. The *khiad of form (4) is a modified form of 攐Qian (<*khian) for the purpose of rhyming. On the other hand, in order to make distinction from the *giat of form (1), the *giat of form (2) became *gian through the derivation of the "Si-sheng Bie-yi" (四聲別義). The new form was written as 「揵」in Han Dynasty, and later as「掮」in Ming Dynasty.This article also points out that the morphological alternations stated above exist in the modern dialects. For example, in the Southern Min dialect the distinctions among the forms (1), (2), and (3) are preserved very well, and in Mandarin Chinese, the usage of form (2) still remains, in addition to form (3).

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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