


Preliminary Investigation on the Development and Style Differences of Hao-Fang Poetry in the Two Song Dynasties


黃彩勤(Tsai-Chin Huang)


豪放詞 ; 蘇軾 ; 辛棄疾 ; 兩宋 ; Hao Fang poetry ; Su Shi ; Xin Qiji ; Two Song Dynasties




30期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 25






With the rise of Wan Yue (gracefulness and restrainedness) poetry in early Song Dynasty, the lyrics for music were no longer the identical rhetoric. Ever since Chang Yen in the Ming Dynasty firstly compared Wan Yue with Hao Fang in "Shi-yu-tu-pu - General Examples," the development of poetry was divided into two schools: Wan Yue and Hao Fang. Modern literature also follows this trend, and always attempts to falsely divide the poets over the past dynasties into these two schools. Such an attitude not only disregards the diversity of literature creation, but also fails to fully grasp the specific meanings of Wan Yue and Hao Fang, as well as the differences existing in styles of different poets of different eras. In the development of Hao Fang poetry, Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty represented the two important stages of Hao Fang poetry, respectively: rise and climax. The former initially extablished the revolutionary meaning of Hao Fang style in poetry development, while the latter specifically fulfilled the revolutionary spirit in creation. Su Shi and Xin Qiji were the representative figures in the two development stages of Hao Fang poetry, respectively. They shared the same revolutionary spirits and Hao Fang style. However, they were different from each other in their own temperament and ambition. Therefore, they formed their own genres. This study focused on these two great poets to reflect the position and value in the development of Hao Fang poetry in the Northern Song and Southern Song, respectively, and distinguished the basic differences in Hao Fang style between two Song Dynasties based on the background and creation conditions of different eras. This study found that, although poets shared the common concept of Hao Fang poetry, they reflected independent Hao Fang spirits and features based on their own different temperament and ambition. It is hoped that this study can reflect the full changes in development of Hao Fang poetry during the two Song dynasties, not just a vague concept in history of literature development.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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