


A Study on Imperial Censors' Dissemination of Novels in the Mid-Ming Dynasty


謝文華(Wen-Hua Hsieh)


明中葉 ; 御史 ; 小說傳播 ; 博雅 ; 《古今書刻》 ; mid-Ming period ; imperial censor ; dissemination of novels ; archaic and liberal arts ; An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets (Gu Jin Shu Ke)




31期(2016 / 06 / 01)


113 - 135






In the Ming Dynasty, the emergence of novels as a literary genre has been a long history. This may be viewed as an accomplishment achieved by intellectuals who are devoted in the task of improving the status quo of literary work. Since the mid-Ming Dynasty, various imperial censors tried to elevate the status of novel in the literary field by sharing and printing their private novels of dynasties. They also participated in the task of editing different versions of these novels and wrote prefaces and postscripts for them, asserting that reading novels broadens one's perspectives while the value of novels was confirmed to be enhancing one's archaic and liberal arts learning. In other words, imperial censors elevated the literary status of novels through their real actions. This essay analyzes the causes that made the status of novels change from both the external and the internal. It applies Zhou Heung-zu's An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets (Gu Jin Shu Ke) to argue that imperial censors played an important role regarding the changing status of novels. This essay suggests that prior to the prosperity of popular novels during the Wanli era, Ming novels had undergone a transforming period, where novels were introduced from authority to the folk. Imperial censors who helped the establishment of novels as a specific literary genre, along with their special work and responsibilities, provide a gateway through which further critical researches can be conducted.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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