


A Study of Writings on Royal Families in Sun Sheng's The Chronicle of the House of Wei


陳俊偉(Chen, Jyun-Wei)


王族書寫 ; 《裴注》 ; 《三國志》 ; 《魏氏春秋》 ; 《魏晉世語》 ; The Writing on Royal Families ; Sangouzhi ; The Chronicle of the House of Wei ; The Tales of Wei Jin ; Pei's The notes on Sanguozhi




35期(2018 / 06 / 01)


127 - 159






Written by Sun Sheng in Eastern Jin Dynasty, The Chronicle of the House of Wei is the only annalistic official history of Cao Wei regime containing many anecdotal materials during Wei Jin period. This article focuses on its writings on royal families (the house of Cao and Sima). Sun Sheng wrote this work later than the Sanguozhi of Chen Shou, a historian in the Western Jin Dynasty, but he used the historical materials in a way different from Sanguozhi. In addition to the anecdotes he collected, Sun Sheng was also influenced by Guo Ban's The Tales of Wei Jin and Gan Bao's Jin Ji. Also, due to his characteristics of curiosity and sensitivity, his writing in The Chronicle of the House of Wei was colored with literary flavor, but failed to insure the authenticity of the materials he used. It is noticed that The Chronicle of the House of Wei was authentically praising the legitimacy of Cao Wei regime, which is differing from his contemporaries' writings, such as Xi Zuochi's The Chronicle of Han Jin Dynasty and Yuan Hong's The Chronicle of Late Han Dynasty. Sun's work kept unveiling the conflicts between upper rulers as well as the historical discourses that had been suppressed, ignored or unrecorded by official documents, which include the tension between Cao Pi and his brothers, the interactions of Sima Yi and sons against their political opponents, and the relevant records of Sima families' political opponents. It is found that the content of The Chronicle of the House of Wei is somewhat similar to Yu Huan's Weilue written in the period between Wei and Jin Dynasties. As time went by, some historical materials not seen by Chen Shou emerged. These enabled later historians like Sun Sheng to construct the neglected aspects of past history to fill up the parts untold in Sanguozhi, which enriches the historical writings of the Three Kingdoms.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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