


Loyalty and Resistance: The Loyalty to Song Dynasty Shown in the Anthologies published in the Mongol Yuan Era


凌頌榮(Ling, Chung Wing)


總集 ; 遺民 ; 宋詩 ; 元詩史 ; 文化抗衡 ; Anthologies ; loyalist ; Song poetry ; poetic history of Yuan ; cultural resistance




39期(2020 / 06 / 01)


151 - 192






Due to the founding of Mongol Yuan, the Song dynasty had fallen. However, the Song poets still kept writing poems and claimed themselves as the loyalists to Song, the previous dynasty. It was surely an important part of the poetic history of Yuan. The Song loyalists tried their best to keep the memories about the replaced dynasty and expressed their own feelings towards the tragic history. In order to study the phenomenon, scholars usually focus on the poetries written by the loyalists. However, it is noticed that the anthologies published by these loyalists were also worthy of investigation. With their unique formats and features, these anthologies contained special poetic ideas and showed how the loyalists faced the new era. This essay contains four parts. First, it introduces the anthology titled Zhongzhou Ji [中州集] and points out how this book affected the Song intellectuals. The following two parts focus on two kinds of anthologies which represent different attitudes of the adherents of the Song dynasty towards the new ruler. For the first kind, Zhongyi Ji [忠義集], was a typical example. Its publisher insisted on the hostility towards the Mongolian and refused to accept reality. The publishers of the other kind also refused to cooperate with the court, but they clearly understood the real situation. Thus, they could only maintain the unity of the loyalists by passively advising their fellows not to surrender to the Mongolian. Among them, Yuequan Yinshe Shi [月泉吟社詩] was the best example. As a supplement, the final part of this essay talks about the anthologies titled Guyin [谷音]. The publication of this book showed how the younger generation in Yuan searched for the stories of loyalists and resulted in becoming a memory keepers of the Song dynasty. It is interesting to note that although it might not be the original purpose, the achievements of these younger generations fulfilled the wish of the older generation of Song loyalists.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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