


"Waiting for the Cranes" and the Politics of Melancholia in Li Yu's Writings


鍾秩維(Chung, Chih-Wei)


李渝 ; 〈待鶴〉 ; 哀悼 ; 左翼憂鬱 ; 感時憂國 ; Li Yu ; "Waiting for the Cranes" ; mourning ; left-wing melancholia ; obsession with China




45期(2023 / 06 / 01)


97 - 141






Li Yu is one of the most prominent writers both in contemporary Taiwanese and Sinophone literary spheres. In pursuit of either the modernist innovation or the leftist revolution, no matter where Li Yu set her trajectory, she always stayed with her beloved partner, Kuo Song-fen. Therefore, after Kuo Song-fen passed away in 2005, Li Yu had suffered from melancholia for years, which caused her writing to fall into discontinuation. "Waiting for the Cranes" demonstrates a ritual sense of mourning, inasmuch as it is a piece in which Li Yu referred to Kuo Song-fen. In "Waiting for the Cranes", Li Yu, on one hand, reminisced about her relationships with Kuo; on the other hand, she reflected on the situation which a diasporic female writer faced, and reinvestigated into the political ideology by which a Baodiao activist abided. Overall, not only is "Waiting for the Cranes" a text that reflects Li Yu's vicissitudes in her literary career, it is but also an example that epitomizes how a Taiwanese writer overcomes the complex of "obsession with China," and showcases how a Sinophone writer considers the possibilities of "the political." Based on prior scholarships on Li Yu's works, this paper takes a special notice of the elaborate intertextuality lying in the narration of "Waiting for the Cranes." Furthermore, in order to manifest the potentialities of the intertextuality, this study also draws upon the contemporary theories on the "melancholia" and "mourning," particularly those proposed by Freud and Benjamin. Drawing inspiration from Li Yu's "Waiting for the Cranes," this paper aims to establish a framework that serves as a starting point for exploring the theme of "melancholia" in Li's fictions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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