
The Obtuse Ideogram: A Second Look at the Imagist "Third Term"






周廷戎(Ron S. Judy)


龐德 ; 艾森斯坦 ; 羅蘭•巴特 ; 意象主義 ; 意象派詩人 ; 表意符號 ; 電影 ; 解構 ; 表意符號的意識型態 ; Ezra Pound ; Sergei Eisenstein ; Roland Barthes ; imagism ; Imagists ; ideogram ; film ; deconstruction ; ideology of signifier




22期(2006 / 06 / 01)


77 - 92






This essay explicitly sets out to explain how Ezra Pound and Sergei Eisenstein use the Chinese sign to create an aesthetics of ”shock” based on the dc-familiarizing character of the Chinese sign. In addition to a detailed explanation of how Pound and Eisenstein construct two kinds of ”imagism' out of the Chinese character, I also offer an ”ideological” reading of their theories of ”ideogrammic art.” Moreover, unlike other recent critics (Fleming: 1989, Ming Xie: 1998, Makin: 2003) interested in the Western uses of the Chinese sign, I do not insist that Pound and Eisenstein were necessarily wrong about their intuitions regarding Chinese signification. Rather, I focus on how they managed to create coherent theories of avant-garde art based on their insights into what Roland Barthes called the ”third term,” or metaphysical aspect of the image.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
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