


Memory, Trace and Melancholy in the Journey of Mind: Studies in W. G. Sebald's Fiction: "Die Ringe des Saturn", "Austerlitz"




王美玲(Mei-Ling Wang)


瑟巴爾特 ; 《土星之環》 ; 《奧斯德利茲》 ; 視覺圖示 ; 記憶書寫 ; W. G. Sebald ; "Die Ringe des Saturn" ; "Austerlitz" ; foto-text ; Memory




32期(2012 / 01 / 01)


187 - 214




二○○一年車禍逝世的當代具代表性的德語作家,英國東英格蘭(EastAnglia)大學德語文學教授瑟巴爾特(W. G. Sebald, 1944-2001),其作品在九○年代才受到文壇及學術界的矚目。在德語區國家因為他的跨文類藝術創作以及文學評論,而有相當的知名度。瑟巴爾特作品涵蓋跨國流動、漂泊者、憂鬱、第二次大戰的歷史創傷,過去的殘痕記憶、移民者等議題。本文內容:一、概要分析、論述瑟巴爾特作品在英美以及德語界文壇的重要性;二、以旅遊記載《土星之環:一次英國朝聖之旅》(1995)及小說《奧斯德利茲》(2001)為例,論述敘述者時空域場之跨國流動、對歐洲文化歷史的重構;三、視覺圖示,試著探討瑟巴爾特如何以圖示來檢視歐洲文化歷史,參照其書寫創作,他的意涵為何;四、瑟巴爾特如何以其創作處理歷史上霸權的殘痕記憶,文化、生態破壞的倫理,質疑現代文明,呈現無可救贖的世界。


The Contemporary German Writer W. G. Sebald and Professor of German literature at the East Anglia University in England was killed in an automobile accident in 2001. He was widely known in the German-speaking world for his genre-crossing works of creative prose as well as for his literary criticism. Not long after his fictional work ”Schwindel”. ”Gefühle” was published in 1990, Sebald had become popular in the literary world and his works met with nearly universal acclaim. The topics of his fiction are concerned mostly with the trauma of history, the remnant of the past, migration, and melancholy in the restless and mourning mind of a wandering individual.This study is an attempt to first analyze the reviews and critiques of Sebald and his literary position Secondly, to focus the interpretation on his two works: ”Die Ringe des Saturn: Eine englische Wallfahrt” (1995) and ”Austerlitz” (2001). Thirdly, to trace the intention of Sebald's use of grainy, uncaptioned photographs and pictorial illustrations, and, through the geographical space afforded by travel and the reconstruction of the archeology of European cultural history, to view the elusive narrator's ”journey of mind” and other solitaries and eccentrics in the digressive stories. The purpose of my research is also to discover how Sebald combines biographical recollections with his own haunted memory and childhood trauma to build a mood of portentous sadness and evoke a sense of morality. I am also interested in his focus on depressive incidents and the unpredictable tragedy of mortal life. I want to follow how it is that he through the circular, enigmatic and accretive structure of narration can offer resistance to devastation, catastrophes of nature and various crises of civilization, thus making an appeal to the transformation of survivorship in a broken world.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
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