




中國風尚 ; 藝術 ; 設計 ; Chinoserie ; Art ; Design




34期(2013 / 01 / 01)


77 - 107




美國學者德克.普德在其所著《中國物品西傳考》一書中曾說:「從西元前200年到西元後1800年這兩千年間,中國給與西方的東西遠遠超過了她從西方所得到的東西。」常人因近世「西潮衝擊」現象,而形成中西文化間總是「西風壓倒東風」的印象與認知;殊不知自17世紀以迄20世紀,西方均受到中國風尚不少影響。研究發現,18世紀中西方的交流,很明顯是東風勝過西風,中國「崇尚自然」的風格始終具有不小的影響力。19世紀以後中國國勢開始衰敗,即使如此,本研究仍然發現20世紀西方現代與後現代主義藝術中,中國傳統思維對於西方風格仍有著潛在影響。本文嘗試以全方位的視野審視設計文化問題,以寬廣的觀照面,從設計史、藝術史學及人類文化史等角度來解析這份中西文化的糾葛。我們從這些歷史波折中獲得許多啟迪與自省。研究結論歸納出:l.文化交匯學習過程中是一種「接受美學」(aesthetie reception)的過程。2.文化交匯中,有明顯「山崩鐘應」之現象,意即當一個國家的政、經強盛之時,她的文化也往往成為其他國家學習摹仿的對象。3.中國藝術設計風尚在後現代主義高揚主體意識的時候,應釋放與解構舊的文化系統並重行建構,才能創造新的文化符碼。只有以包容開放的胸襟汲取外來文化的營養,才有可能生長出一種強勢的文化設計體系。4.據此,本研究推論在當今中國大陸政經形勢再度興起之際,經過重新詮釋的「中華風尚」將在21世紀再度成為強勢文化。


During the dawn of modernization, the impact of Western culture caused people to believe that the Occident prevailed over the Orient. However, Western culture had been greatly influenced by the Chinoiseris between 17^(th) and 20^(th) centuries. A number of researchers claim that despite the entanglement between the Western and Chinese cultures during the 18^(th) Century, the Orient obviously excelled in comparison to the Occident. In the 19^(th) century, the power of China began to falter, causing Western nations to seek inspiration from the art designs of the European Middle Ages; nevertheless, the natural style that the Chinese upheld maintained an essential role in the Art Nouveau Movement towards the end of that century. Moreover, this research discovered that despite all features of the 20^(th) century, including designs and art styles, inverting towards the western world, Chinese traditional beliefs continued to deeply influence Western styles in the Modernism and Post-Modernism movements. This research examines the entanglement between the Chinese and Western cultures from various perspectives such as those of design history, art history and human cultural history. From this the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. The process of cross-culture is also one of aesthetic reception. 2. The phenomenon of ”The hill convulsed and the bell echoed” has always been prominent in the process of cross-culture, i.e. where a culture or design decided to pursue the ways of a more powerful nation. 3. The Chinese design style has been presenting itself as an important aspect of Post-Modernism; as a result, it should re-construct itself from the underdeveloped Chinese cultural systems and revolutionize itself as an original Chinese cultural sign. Therefore, a cultural design system with unique racial features must be modernized, include features from its own culture and be tolerant in receiving a variety of other cultures. 4. On these grounds, this research strongly infers that today, the politics and economics of China are developed once again. The 21^(st) century will witness the innovative expounded Chinoserie rise as the most powerful nation in the world.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
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