


Airs and Grace, Poetical Pedagogy, and Political Lyricism: On Wang Jingwei Regime, Long Yusheng, and Tongsheng Monthly


高嘉謙(Chia-Cian Ko)


汪精衛 ; 龍榆生 ; 《同聲月刊》 ; 汪政權 ; 漢奸文學 ; Wang Jingwei ; Long Yusheng ; Tongsheng Monthly ; Wang Jingwei regime ; collaborationist literature




38期(2015 / 01 / 01)


61 - 88






Initiated by Wang Jingwei, a Chinese politician who led the Nanjing regime supported by the Japanese invaders in 1940, a group of literati gathered to compose classical poetry and publish poetical magazines. Their literary works, also known as collaborationist literature, structured a controversial discourse of the time. Tongsheng Monthly, edited by the major ci poet Long Yusheng, was considered one of the representative collaborationist publications. By exploring the performance of the monthly, we would come to see why the literati wrote in their own political interests while practicing lyricism in the Japan-occupied zones. This paper attempts to investigate the political and literary significance of Tongsheng Monthly, its editor Long Yusheng, and its contributors. Promoting "literature and arts of peace," the magazine contributed, on the one hand, to the revival of classical poetics, and on the other hand constituted a controversial discourse, where literati composed rhetorical expressions in ci poetry for excusing their collaborationist deeds. Studying their literary practices helps not only explore the poets' political concerns, but also reconsider the context and value of collaborationist literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
  1. 汪精衛(兆銘)。〈不寐偶成〉。《同聲月刊》2.3(March 1942): 108。Wang Jingwei [Zhaoming]. “Bumei oucheng” [Writing in a sleepless night].Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 2.3(March 1942): 108
  2. 汪精衛。〈金縷曲〉。《國藝》2.5-6( Dec. 1940): 41-44。Wang Jingwei. “Jinlu qu” [Gold-threaded gown song]. Guoyi [National arts] 2.5-6(Dec. 1940): 41-44
  3. 龍榆生〔沐勛〕。〈怎樣促成全面和平的實現〉。《新東方雜誌》1.6(1940): 51-54。Long Yusheng [Muxun]. “Zenyang cucheng quanmian heping de shixian” [How to help actualize a complete peace]. Xin dongfang zazhi [New Eastern miscellany] 1.6(1940): 51-54
  4. 〈大東亞文學者大會十二日在京揭幕〉。《中華日報》9 Nov. 1944。“Da Dong Ya Wenxue Dahu shier ri zai Jing jiemu” [The opening of the Greater East Asian Writers' Conference on the Twelfth in Nanjing]. Zhonghua ribao [China daily news] 9 Nov. 1944
  5. 龍榆生。〈梅花山謁汪先生墓文〉,《同聲月刊》4.3(July 1945): 68。Long Yusheng. “Meihua shan ye Wang Xiansheng mu wen” [An epitaph to Mr. Wang Jingwei at his tomb at Plum Blossom Mount]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 4.3(July 1945): 68
  6. 龍榆生。〈編輯凡例〉。《同聲月刊》1.1(Dec. 1940): 4-6。Long Yusheng. “Bianji fanli” [Author guidelines]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 1.1(Dec. 1940e): 4-6
  7. 〈卷頭語〉。《國藝》2.1(July 1940): 1。“Juantou yu” [Introductory statements]. Guoyi [National arts] 2.1(July 1940): 1.
  8. 李宣倜〔太疎〕。〈招客展重陽明日立冬〉。《國藝》3.5-6(Jan. 1942): 45。Li Xuanti [Taishu]. “Zhaoke zhanzhongyang mingri Lidong” [Inviting guests to gather on the extended Double Ninth and celebrate winter beginning tomorrow]. Guoyi[National arts] 3.5-6(Jan. 1942): 45
  9. 汪精衛。〈雙照樓詩詞未刊稿〉。《同聲月刊》4.3(July 1945): 1-13。Wang Jingwei. “Shuangzhao Lou shici weikangao” [Unpublished poems and lyrics of Sun-Moonlit Villa]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 4.3(July 1945): 1-13
  10. 龍榆生。〈創制新體樂歌之途徑〉。《真知學報》1.1(March 1942): 7-17。Long Yusheng. “Chuangzhi xinti yuege zhi tujing” [Ways to compose new form of lyrics and songs]. Zhenzhi xuebao [True learning journal] 1.1(March 1942): 7-17
  11. 龍榆生。〈詩教復興論〉。《同聲月刊》1.1(Dec. 1940): 9-41。Long Yusheng. “Shijiao fuxing lun” [On reviving the education of poetry]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 1.1(Dec. 1940): 9-41
  12. 〈國藝月刊第一次徵文〉。《國藝》1 ( Jan. 1940): 目錄頁。“Guoyi yuekan diyici zhenggao” [The first call for submission to National Arts Monthly]. Guoyi [National arts] 1(Jan. 1940): Table of Contents
  13. 汪精衛。〈雙照樓遺札〉。《同聲月刊》4.3(July 1945): 43-46。Wang Jingwei. “Shuangzhaolou yizha” [Uncollected letters from Sun-Moonlit Villa].Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 4.3(July 1945): 43-46
  14. 龍榆生。〈今日學詞應取之途徑〉。《詞學季刊》2.2(Jan. 1935): 1-6。Long Yusheng. “Jinri xueci yingqu zhi tujing” [Proper approaches to learning ci poetry today]. Cixue jikan [Chinese ci poetry quarterly] 2.2(Jan. 1935): 1-6
  15. 龍榆生。〈同聲月刊緣起〉。《同聲月刊》1.1(Dec. 1940): 1-4。Long Yusheng. “Tongsheng yuekan yuanqi” [The origin of Resonance Monthly]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 1.1(Dec. 1940): 1-4
  16. 龍榆生。〈事業與職業〉。《新動向》91(1943): 4-6。Long Yusheng. “Shiye yu zhiye” [Career and occupation]. Xin dongxiang [New tendency] 91(1943): 4-6
  17. 龍榆生。〈荒雞警夢室隨筆〉。《求是月刊》1(March 1944): 40。Long Yusheng. “Huangji jingmeng shi suibi [A sketch from Night-crowing Rooster Awakening-dream Studio]. Qiushi yuekan [Seek-truth monthly] 1 (March 1944): 40
  18. 梁鴻志。〈己卯上巳西園禊集詩序〉。《國藝》1(Jan. 1940): 2。Liang Hongzhi. “Jimao shangsi Xiyuan xiji shixu” [Poem on the March Third 1939 West Garden purification ceremony, with preface]. Guoyi [National arts] 1(Jan. 1940): 2
  19. 龍榆生。〈讀陳公博先生《我的詩》〉。《古今》29(1943): 18-23、27。Long Yusheng. “Du Chen Gongbo xiansheng 'wo de shi' [Reading Chen Gongbo's “My Poems”]. Gujin [Ancient and modern] 29(1943): 18-23; 27
  20. 龍榆生〔沐勛〕。〈由紀念孔子想到我們從事和平運動者的責任〉。《中央導報》週刊1.6 (Sept.1940): 4-5。Long Yusheng [Muxun]. “You jinian Kongzi xiangdao women congshi heping yundongzhe de zeren” [Reflecting upon our responsibility as a pacifist when commemorating Confucius]. Zhongyang daobao [Central herald weekly] 1.6(Sept.1940): 4-5
  21. 〈大東亞文學者大會的人選問題〉。《太平洋周報》1.77(Aug. 1943): 1653。“Da Dong Ya Wenxue Dahui de renxuan wenti”[Concerning the delegates to the Greater East Asian Writers' Conference]. Taipingyang zhoubao [Pacific weekly] 1.77(1943): 1653
  22. 李宣倜〔釋戡〕。〈次榆生見贈韻卻寄〉。《同聲月刊》2.2(Feb. 1942): 142。Li Xuanti [Shikan]. “Ci Yusheng jianzengyun queji” [Poem replying to Yusheng in his rhyme scheme]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 2.2(Feb. 1942c): 142
  23. 龍榆生。〈發刊詞〉。《求是月刊》1(March 1944): 1。Long Yusheng. “Fakan ci” [A note on the magazine]. Qiushi yuekan [Seek-truth monthly] 1 (March 1944): 1
  24. 李宣倜。〈今詞林.弁言〉。《同聲月刊》1.1(Dec. 1940): 111-12。Li Xuanti. “Jin cilin: Bianyan” [Foreword to “Today's Ci Scene” column]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 1.1(Dec. 1940): 111-12
  25. 張爾田。〈有感一章寄詶榆生〉。《同聲月刊》2.3(March 1942): 108。Zhang Ertian. “Yougan yizhang jichou Yusheng” [A poem expressing my feelings, in response to Yusheng]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 2.3(March 1942): 108
  26. 龍榆生(沐勛)。〈覆李耕青書〉。《古今》34(Nov. 1943): 31-32。Long Yusheng [Muxun]. “Fu Li Gengqing shu” [Replying Li Gengqing's letter]. Gujin [Ancient and modern] 34(Nov. 1943): 31-32
  27. 龍榆生。「休刊聲明」。《同聲月刊》4.3(July 1945): 版權頁。Long Yusheng. “Xiukan shengming” [Statement on the suspension of publication]. Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 4.3(July 1945): Copyright page
  28. 龍榆生。〈我對韻文之見解:文學一週年紀念特輯〉。鄭振鐸、傅東華(編)《我與文學》。上海:生活書店,1934。240-41。Long Yusheng. “Wo dui yunwen zhi jianjie: Wenxue yizhounian jinian teji” [My opinions on verse: For the anniversary issue of Literature]. Zheng Zhenduo and Fu Donghua (eds.) Wo yu wenxue [Literature and me]. Shanghai: Shenghuo shudian, 1934. 240-41
  29. 李宣倜〔太疎〕。〈諸公數和餞秋詩疊韻奉簡〉。《國藝》3.5-6(Jan. 1942): 45。Li Xuanti [Taishu]. “Zhugong shuhe jianqiushi dieyun Fengjian” [To ye who respond to my poems in last Autumn with rhyming compounds]. Guoyi [National arts] 3.5-6(Jan. 1942): 45
  30. 龍榆生(沐勛)。〈如何建立中國詩歌之新體系〉。《同聲月刊》2.7(July 1942): 1-14。Long Yusheng [Muxun]. “Ruhe jianli Zhongguo shige zhi xin tixi” [How to establish a new Chinese poetical system].Tongsheng yuekan [Resonance monthly] 2.7(July 1942): 1-14
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