Since Socrates, European philosophy, particularly post-medieval philosophy, has been subject to sort of a spiritualist prejudice, according to which thought has proven unable to get rid of a framework centered on the conscious I, systematically devaluating the body. Yet beginning with Nietzsche, also mainly lead by phenomenology, contemporary European thought continuously has been trying to adjust or overcome this heritage handed down by classical epistemology, attempting to integrate the very bodily self all of us have and are, into the field of reflection. However, here important questions arise, such as what nature does this bodily self actually consist of? What philosophical status should it be attributed? How can or should philosophy investigate into this bodily self? With respect to this contemporary complex of problems, this paper chooses a trans-cultural philosophical approach, taking advantage of the so-called "doctrine of the heart-mind" held by the Ming-confucian Wang Yangming. This is an attempt to elucidate, within the horizon of what is generally considered sort of a philosophy of consciousness framework, i.e. Yangming's thought, several aspects of the bodily self and its signification for self-cultivation. With respect to any future philosophy of the body, I try to advance an approach which is no longer dominated by classical epistemology: taking the ethical role the bodily self plays as starting point, this paper discusses how the body yields a practical relation between the subject and the world, in order to eventually, from this stance, reconsider present-day philosophers' interest for body phenomena.
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