


Republic of Southern Sinophone Literature: A Proposal


黃錦樹(Ng Kim Chew)


華文文學 ; 南方 ; 外部 ; 方言 ; 世界體系 ; Sinophone literature ; the South ; extrinsicality ; dialect ; world system(s)




45期(2018 / 07 / 01)


1 - 20






In this article, I aim to expand and integrate my long-term studies on Sinophone literature. I propose a theory that is different from what Mainland Chinese scholars entitle as "Studies of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and overseas Chinese Literature" and from what David Wang Der-wei and Shih Shu-mei present as "Sinophone studies." Based on the topics I have discussed in the past, such as Chineseness, impossibility of nativism, and Sinophone minor literature, this article reinforces two elements, the South and externality, and refers to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of cultural field and Pascale Casanova's La République mondiale des Lettres, which is extended from field theory. Casanova's work also implicitly refers to Immanuel Wallerstein's world-systems theory, which re-spatializes the history of world literature as a relational structure of Core-Semi-periphery-Periphery. In economics, capitalism absorbs the whole world in its system of supply and distribution. However, this is not the case in culture and literature: Take modern Chinese literature, for example. It has always been outside of "Republic of World Literature," which is dominated by European and American languages; the situation of Chinese modern literature is even worse than that of other East Asian minor languages, such as Korean and Vietnamese. In spite of that, Chinese literature establishes a "world system" of its own in East Asia-with Chinese literature as the center, other Sinophone literatures are named as "world Sinophone literature" or "overseas Sinophone literature." From the current studies on various Sinophone literatures, this article attempts to develop an extrinsic discourse that deals with the Chinese "world system," where Southern dialects and local languages play considerably key roles.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
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