


Lyrical Self and Multiple Others: Cross-cultural Poetics in Hsu Nanying and Lin Jinren's Classical Poems on the Nanyang


楊雅惠(YANG Ya-hui)


抒情自我 ; 多元他者 ; 許南英 ; 林景仁 ; 跨文化詩學 ; lyrical self ; multiple others ; Hsu Nanying ; Lin Jinren ; cross-cultural poetics




50期(2021 / 01 / 01)


139 - 181






Classical poetry is a concrete expression of Chinese traditional literati's expression of self, and elegance is its aesthetic model. Taiwanese classical poetry also inherits its feature. However, Taiwanese Chinese poetry is written in the "climate and culture" of "Hua/Fan," showing the cross-bordering migration of the lyrical tradition of poetics in the context of "the first encounter with the other." At the time, Nanyang to Taiwan was more of a "multiple others" field. The poet's observation of the Nanyang culture and the experience of foreign cultures show the expressive aesthetic of the traditional Chinese lyrical self and the communication mode of modern intellectuals facing the "diverse other." This article attempts to explore two classical poets, Taiwanese poets Xu Nanying(許南英)and Lin Jingren(林景仁), who have recreated a new paradigm of poetry in the aesthetic tradition of "lyrical self" and the intention of "multiple others." The text is divided into two dimensions: metaphor and narrative. The former analyzes the rhetoric metaphorical meaning of cross-cultural intentions by the phenomenon of reclamation, analogy and association/Bixing, and negation and vacant of poetic territories. The latter is to explore the narrative rhetoric of its cross-cultural intentions through transformation by the dynamics of the characters in the poetry from settling to pioneering, and the Confucian Voices (Taiwan, Chinese, Man/South barbarian and Yi/West savage) Mutual other), mythological thinking, reconstruction of the world of view. Hope to discover the cross-cultural aesthetic significance of the two poets in Taiwanese literature in modern times.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
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