


Wind and the Malay World: Sinophone/Xenophone Terroir in A Desultory Account of the Malay Archipelago by Wang Dahai


高嘉謙(KO Chia Cian)


南海 ; 風土 ; 海島逸志 ; 南島 ; 華夷風 ; South China Seas ; Mesology ; A Desultory Account of the Malay Archipelago ; Nusantara ; Sinophone/Xenophone




51期(2021 / 07 / 01)


13 - 50




本文聚焦南海和馬來群島海域,透過航路與異地生活為基點的觀察視域,檢視漢語文獻裏華人進入海域間的馬來世界,重探與構建華人與馬來世界的接觸地帶(contact zone)。透過遊記自身的視域,從文學、文化、歷史等不同體驗和想像層面,有助於我們重新理解遊記在表徵新世界的可能和侷限。我們觀察這些文獻如何「看見華人」,以及華人如何「看見馬來世界」。本文以乾隆年間旅居爪哇,入贅當地甲必丹家族的王大海《海島逸誌》(一七九一)為例,檢視其涉及爪哇島及其周邊群島的風物與地理描述,透過遊記的跨文化接觸,揭示自我與他者識別的軌跡(trajectivity)變化和華夷風土視野。經由文本及其周邊知識的鋪陳和解讀,討論華人面對洋人和南島語族的交織視域,以及對殖民地和南島歷史、習俗的探究,進而揭示王大海的島嶼視野與「風」的多元觀照。本文主張《海島逸志》的「華/夷之辨」,實際上已是「華/夷之變」的微妙展示,作為華人南島意識的馬來風景,在華夷的二元框架裏窺見「變」的裂隙和可能。


This article examines how Chinese encountered with the Malay world, particularly the South China Seas and the Malay Archipelago. Through the cross-reference of travelogue and Chinese poetry, this article attempts to reconstruct the contact zone between Chinese and the Malay world through a perspective based on the voyage to and life experience in a foreign land. Through the visions of the travelogue, we are able to understand, from different dimensions of literary, cultural and historical experience and imagination, the possibilities and limitations of the travelogue in representing the new world. We observe how writers of these documents see Chinese and how Chinese sees the Malay world. This article analyses of the descriptions of the landscape and geography of Java and its surrounding islands in Haidao Yizhi (A Desultory Account of the Malay Archipelago, 1791), by Wang Dahai, who lived in Java during the Qianlong period and later became a member of the local Kapitan family. Wang Dahai's vision of the island and the multifaceted view of "wind" is formed through the intertwined perspectives of the Chinese on the Dutch, the English and the Austronesian, as well as the exploration of colonial and Nusantara history and customs. The descriptions of the Malay landscape in a Chinese Nusantara framework, in effect, reveal the subtle changes in the trajectivity of self- and other-identification and the Chinese and foreign landscapes, providing a glimpse into the cracks and possibilities of "changes" within the dualistic framework of Sinophone/Xenophone.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 藝術
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