


A Study of Physical Education Teaching Assessment with Regard to Teacher Satisfaction




劉碧華(Bih-Hwa Liu)


體育教學評估 ; 教師滿意度 ; physical education teaching assessment ; satisfaction level of P.E. teacher




28期(2000 / 03 / 01)


111 - 121




未來國內的大專院校,不論公私立,為了彼此在學術地位上競爭高下,勢必要致力於提昇各校的師資,要求增進教師的教學、研究與服務水準。因此對於教師進行於教學、研究與服務等各方面的評估已是必然之趨勢。評估結果之適任與否,將對教師的教學生涯及學術尊嚴造成相當嚴重的影響。 本研究係以八十七學年度第一學期修習「熱舞課」的210位台大日間部女學生做為研究對象。採用問卷調查法,利用自編之「體育教學評估問卷」為研究工具。目的在於瞭解學生上了一學期的體育課之後,對體育教師的滿意度如何,藉以檢視體育教學中有關教師本身方面的教學成效。本研究評估體育教師滿意度的方式共分為1-5個等級,分別為:(1)非常不滿意、(2)不滿意、(3)尚可、(4)滿意,以及(5)非常滿意。 問卷資料經統計分析後,得出下列結論: 1. 台大女生在上了一學期研究者的體育課之後,針對二十二項有關體育教師方面的滿意度值介於3.84至4.71之間。其中滿意度最高的項目是「教學時有自信」,而滿意度最低的項目則為「能顧及學生的個別差異」。 2. 在二十二個項目中,只有「能顧及學生的個別差異」一項的滿意度低於4.0,其餘二十一項的滿意度均高於4.0。 3. 滿意度值高於4.5而接近5.0者,共有四項,依滿意度高低順序排列,依次為:「教學時有自信」(4.71)、「有認真的教學態度」(4.69)、「有教學的熱誠」(4.68),以及「能正確的做出示範動作」(4.58)。 4. 滿意度值介於4.0至4.49之間的項目,共有十七項。 5. 只有0.303%的總填答人次其滿意度為非常不滿意或不滿意。 由以上之研究結果可得知,研究者的體育教學已得到學生的認同。 此外,本研究問卷不但具有內容效度,由Cronbach α係數來檢定問卷之內部一致性之結果顯示,本研究問卷亦具有相當高的信度(Cronbach α係數值為0.9680)。因此,本研究問卷中所列之題目內容足可提供未來全國各級學校對其校內的體育教師進行體育教學評估時之參考。


The major purpose of this study was to assess the physical education teaching effect with regard to teacher satisfaction. The second purpose was to offer all the schools in Taiwan a standard assessment rating items concerning physical education teaching. The 210 female students of National Taiwan University (NTU) in the first semester of 1998 school year served as the subjects of this study. “Survey of physical education teaching assessment” designed by the researcher of this study was used as the research instrument. The respondents identified their level of satisfaction on a five-point scale: (1) very unsatisfied, (2) unsatisfied, (3) ok, (4) satisfied, or (5) very satisfied. The following results were found under this study: 1. There were 22 assessment items included in the survey. After taking one semester of the physical education classes taught by the researcher of this study, the NTU female students’ levels of P.E. teacher satisfaction were between 3.84 to 4.71. The item of “having self-confident when teaching” got the highest score. The item of “being able to take students’ differences into account” got the lowest score. 2. In the 22 items, only the item of “being able to take students’ differences into account” was lower than 4.0. The other 21 items were higher than 4.0. 3. There were 4 items that had the satisfaction scores higher than 4.5 and close to 5.0. They were: having self-confident when teaching (4.71), having serious teaching attitude (4.69), having teaching enthusiasm (4.68), and being able to do correct demonstration (4.58). 4. There were 17 items that had the satisfaction scores between 4.0 and 4.49. 5. Only 0.303% students selected “very unsatisfied” or “unsatisfied.” Answers. According to the results showed above, the students accepted the fact that their physical education teacher’s teaching was successful. Moreover, the contents of the survey could be used as a standard assessment concerning physical education teaching for all the schools in Taiwan according to the very high Cronbach α(0.9680).

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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