


A study on the regular behavior of exercise and the related factors in elementary school students




龍炳峰(Bing-Feng Long)


規律運動行為 ; 運動社會支持 ; 運動自我效能 ; 知覺運動障礙 ; 知覺運動利益 ; regular of behavior exercise ; exercise social support ; self-efficacy for exercise ; perceived exercise barriers ; perceived exercise benefits.




29期(2000 / 09 / 01)


81 - 91




本研究之主要目的為暸解國民小學學童規律運動行為的現況,以及探討影響國民小學學童規律運動行為因素(色括個人背景因素、社會影響因素、環境因素)和規律運動行為的關係。本研究採問卷調查法,以高雄市公立國民小學五、六年級學童為母群,採分層隨機叢集抽樣方式抽出研究樣本420位,有效樣本為405位,研究工具為『國民小學學童規律運動行為及其相關因素之研究』之問卷,所得資料以點二系列相關、卡方檢定、逐步區別分析等統計方法進行分析後,得到以下結論: 一、本研究對象國民小學學童有從事規律運動行為者,占全部受試者的44.4 %,沒有從事規律運動行為者占全部受試者的55.6%。 二、本研究對象的家人運動社會支持愈高、同儕運動社會支持愈高、運動自我效能愈強、知覺運動利益愈高、家庭運動設施愈多、環境運動場地愈多者,從事規律運動行為的情形也就愈多;知覺運動障礙愈低者,從事規律運動行為的情形也就愈多。 三、本研究對象的規律運動行為,不會因性別、年級、身體質量指數、父母教育程度等個人背景因素之不同而有顯著的差異;但會因有參加運動校隊、有參與運動社團,而從事規律運動行為的情形較好。 四、運動自我效能、家人運動社會支持、參加運動校隊三個變項,能有效區別有無規律運動行為的研究對象,而其中以運動自我效能具有較強的區別力。


The main purposes of this study were to understand the current regular behavior of exercise, and to explore the relationships between regular behavior of exercise and influential factors (included selected demographic characteristics, social influential factors, environmental factors) in elementary school students. The data was collected by questionnaire survey. The population was form 5th and 6th grade elementary schools in Kaohsiung. There were 405 valid samples in 420 original samples by using a stratified cluster sampling randomly. The tool of survey was “A study on the regular behavior of exercise and the related factors in elementary school students” questionnaire. The data were analyzed by point-biserial correlation, chi-squire test, and stepwise discriminant analysis. The results were followed: 1. There were 44.4% subjects who had regular behavior of exercise, and the others were not. 2. For the subjects, the higher exercise social support from families and friends were; the more self-efficacy for exercise was; the higher perceived exercise benefits were; the more home exercise equipment and environmental exercise area were; and the lower perceived exercise barriers were, the more regular behavior of exercise was. 3. The subjects’ regular behavior of exercise wasn’t significantly different by the difference of their gender, grade, BMI, and parents’ level of education, but it was better by attending the school team or association of sport. 4. Variables like self-efficacy for exercise, exercise social support from families, and attending the school team can effectively distinguish the subjects’ regular behavior of exercise. The “self-efficacy for exercise” was the most distinguishable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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