


The Influence of Goal Difficulity, Task Difficulity and Feedback Type on Elementary Students' Volleyball Serving Performance and Intrinsic Motivation




姚璠(Franco Yao)


目標難度 ; 工作難度 ; 回饋方式 ; 國小學童 ; 排球發球 ; 內在動機 ; goal difficulity ; task difficulity ; feedback type ; intrinsic motivation ; elementary school student




31期(2001 / 09 / 01)


137 - 148




本研究之目的在探索不同之目標難度(困難、容易、無)、工作難度(困難、簡單)與回饋方式(正向、無)對國小學童排球發球表現與內在動機的影響及其交互作用。受試者為在六年級不同的四個班級中各自隨機抽取36人,總計144位國小學童(男78人,女66人,平均年齡12.67歲)。依據不同工作難度與不同回饋方式,將各班隨機分派至四種不同情境中,各班人數再依據目標之難度隨機分成三組,每組12人,於2×2×3的組間設計中進行排球發球的練習工作。研究者以自編之「排球發球內在動機量表」檢核受試者之內在動機,並以「情境檢核問卷」檢核正向回饋之操弄效果。在資料處理方面,利用獨立樣本t-test考驗工作難度及three-way ANOVA分析資料並以杜凱法進行事後比較。研究結果為:一、對排球發球表現的影響方面:主要效果目標難度差異達顯著水準,困難目標和容易目標組的發球表現優於無目標組。二、對排球發球內在動機的影響方面:(一)工作難度與回饋方式二者之交互作用差異達顯著水準,容易目標組的內在動機優於困難目標組及無目標組。(二)工作難度、回饋方式與目標難度三者的交互作用差異達顯著水準,經事後比較分析發現:1.容易目標(C2),在無回饋(B2)時,困難工作優於簡單工作。2.容易目標(C2),在簡單工作(A2)時,有回饋優於無回饋。3.有回饋(B1),在容易目標(C2)時,簡單工作優於困難工作。4.困難工作(A1),在容易目標(C2)時,無回饋優於有回饋。5.困難工作(A1),在無回饋(B2)時,容易目標優於無目標。6.困難工作(A1),在無回饋(B2)時,容易目標優於困難目標。本研究除驗證Locke的理論外,並對未來相關研究的方向與改進之處提出數項之建議。


The purposes of this study were to explore the influences of different goal difficulity (difficult, easy, none), task difficulity (difficult, easy) and feedback type (positive, none) on elementary school student's volleyball serving performance, intrinsic motivation and their interactions. Subjects involved were 144 6th grade elementary school students which came from four different classes on the same campus(male78, female66, mean age = 12.67 years), and each class was assigned randomly to different task and feedback type situations. Students in each class were divided into three different goal difficulity sets. This experiment was 2×2×3 designed and a Volleyball-Serving-Intrinsic-Motivation Inventory developed by the researcher was administered. Three-way ANOVA and post hoc comparison were utilized for data analysis. The results showed: in the aspect of volleyball serving performance, only the main effect goal difficulity was significant; in the aspect of intrinsic motivation, the interactions of task difficulity with feedback type, task difficulity with feedback type with goal difficulity were significant, respectively. Not only this study verified Locke's theory, but also offered some suggestions to both further related studies and researching directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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