


The Kinetic Characteristics on the Landing Leg during Landing Phase of Softball Pitching




王令儀(Li-I Wang);杜惠萍(Hui-Ping Tu);林德嘉(Der-Chia Lin);黃長褔(Chen-Fu Huang)


動力學逆過程 ; 力量 ; 力矩 ; 功率 ; 壘球 ; 投球 ; inverse dynamic ; force ; moment ; power ; softball ; pitch




31期(2001 / 09 / 01)


281 - 292






The purpose of this study was to investigate the ground reaction forces, joint reaction forces, net muscle joint moments and powers of the ankle, knee and hip during the softball pitch with windmill style threw the fastball. Four elite softball pitchers served as the subjects for this study. A Peak high-speed camera (120Hz) and synthesized with a force plate (600Hz) was used to collect the relative parameters of landing leg during pitching. The joint reaction forces and moments were calculated by using inverse dynamics process. The results indicated that the peak ground reaction forces appeared before the human neuromuscular system responded to modify these forces. The greater compressive and shear stresses which around the joint created during the landing phase would put a heavy load on soft tissue, ligament and tendon. In addition, the extensors' eccentric muscle powers of knee and the flexors' concentric muscle powers of hip were the important ability for the softball pitching performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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