Excellent skill is not the only quality possessed by an outstanding athlete. More often than not it is the strength of psychological competitive abilities that decides the champion. Recent research has, however, pointed out that looking at the actual effect of an athlete's psychological competitive abilities alone is not sufficient to give comprehension of his/her psychological state. In this connection, the concept of congruence has been developed, and the importance of the degree of personal expectation has been emphasized. In the light of this, this research adopts the concept of congruence, exploring the relationship of congruence with psychological competitive abilities to, respectively, personal background and degree of anxiety. Subjects included 175 athletes taking part in the Taiwan Tennis Ranking Competition. The athletes were tested using the Psychological Competitive Abilities Scale (PCAS) and Sport Competition Anxiety Test for Adult (SCAT-A). The findings were as follows: l. The psychological competitive abilities valued by the tennis athletes include decision making, intention of transcendence, ordinary attitude, striving for victory, and team spirit. 2.As far as the factors of psychological competitive abilities are concerned, there was a conspicuous difference between the sexes in that male athletes had a higher congruence than female athletes. 3. The higher the degree of anxiety, the lower the congruence with psychological competitive abilities. Based on the findings of this research, coaches can bring about improvements in accordance with actual situations so as to raise psychological competitive abilities and thereby achieve better sport results.
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周文祥(1998)。超越自我、邁向巔峰 : 運動員心理訓練的概念。