


A Study of The Acknowledgement of Risk Management and The Model of Corresponding Strategies among College/University Athletic Directors




施致平(Chih-Pin Shih);吳昭儒(Chih-Hui Hsu);許智惠(Chao-Ju Wu);王菊霞(Chu-Hsia Wang)


大專院校 ; 體育主管 ; 風險管理 ; 風險管理策略模式 ; college/university athletic directors ; risk management ; strategic model of risk management




35期(2003 / 09 / 01)


143 - 154




本研究以中華民國大專院校體育主管為研究對象,探討其風險管理認知與因應策略,並進而建立風險管理策略模式。本研究採用郵寄問卷法對全國161位大專院校之體育主管進行普測,此外,本研究亦採立意抽樣方式,於北中南三區抽取若干公私立大專院校之體育主管進行深度訪談,以質量並重之研究方式探討大專院校體育主管風險管理策略模式。本研究採用描述統計、百分比分析法、t檢定、區別分析及質性研究法,進行資料處理分析。本研究之主要結果發現:一、現階段大專院校之體育主管之比例以男性(82.31%)多於女生(16.92%),此外,其分佈以31-50歲、講師、學士學位者為主。二、大專院校體育主管對風險管理之重要性與風險對學校影響之嚴重性皆有高程度的認知。三、由區別分析(discriminant analysis)之區別係數得知,教學因素可說明男性(2.85)體育主管與女性(0.71)體育主管在風險管理認知之區別;助理教授職稱之體育主管於人員(6.85)、醫療系統(14.36)及校內競賽活動(-13.90)因素方面與其他稱職之體育主管在風險管理認知方面有區別;於訓練(-6.70)及場地設施(1.05)因素方面,公立大專院校之體育主管與其他院校之體育主管於風險管理認知亦有差別。四、受訪學校中,14.28%的學校訂有體育運動風險管理計畫,71.43%設有特約醫院;57.14%訂有意外傷害緊急通報系統;整體而論,大專院校學校體育活動風險管理計畫擬定之比例偏低。有鑑於此,各大專院校體育主管應確認學校體育運動的風險因子,訂定風險管理因應策略,建立校園危機處理機制與運動傷害緊急通報系統,具體而言,擬定一套有效之風險管理計畫,方是防止傷害發生的根本之道。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the acknowledgement of risk management and the corresponding strategies to combat risk among college/university athletic directors, and to establishing a strategic model of risk management to serve as reference for athletic directors. A total of 161 college/university athletic directors Completed a survey as part of this study. Inaddition, in depth interviews were condvcted with seven. college/university athletic directors selected purposively from northern, central, and southern Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, percentages, t-test, discriminant analysis, and qualitative analysis were utilized to analyze the strategic model of risk management. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. At present, the percentage of male college/university athletic directors (82.31 %) was higher than that of female ones (16.92%). Besides, most of the athletic directors are lecturers who range in age between 31 and 50, and have a bachelor's degrees. 2. The college/university athletic directors responded with a high level of knowledge of risk management. 3. Based on the figures of the discriminant analysis, the factor of teaching accounted for the differentiation of acknowledgement of risk management between male(2.852) and female (0.7l4) athletic directors. In terms of personnel (6.856), medical system (14.366), and school competitive activities (13.900), athletic directors with an assistant professor background showed differentiation of acknowledgement of risk management from those of other backgrounds. As for training (-6.70 l) and facility (1.051), athletic directors in public schools differed from those in private institutions. 4. According to the in depth interview, 71.43% of schools had contracts with hospitals, 57.14% of them had developed emergency response system, and 14.29% put sport accidents into the evaluation system of ISO9001. Based on the results, the college/university athletic directors should identify the factors associated with risk management, develop a strategic model, and establish crisis management as an well as emergency response system. Only when an effective risk management plan is improved will the accidents be avoided efficiently.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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