


The Distribution of Sports Injury and Re-injury Factors Among College Students




王顯智(Adi Wang)


運動傷害 ; 再度受傷 ; 膝關節 ; 西醫療法 ; sports injury ; re-injury ; knee ; western medicine




35期(2003 / 09 / 01)


15 - 24






With the growing popularity of sports and recreational activities in Taiwan, there are increasing numbers of sports injuries, especially at the college level. These injuries include joint sprains, muscle strains or tears, bone fractures, contusions and others. Injured students usually sought treatment from traditional Chinese Medical practitioners or waited for the injured body part to recover on its own. Often, this type of attitude leads to a worsening of the original injury, and the problem becomes chronic. However, school personnel do not seem to realize the increasing problem with sports injuries, and injury risk factors were seldom investigated. The purposes of this paper were to conduct a prospective study and then, to evaluate the factors that may be related to sports injury, sort out different types of injuries, and determine, the incidence of injuries and re-injuries. A total of 359 injuries were evaluated in the study, and 273 injuries (76.2%) happened to male students. The ankle was the most commonly injured region (37.88%), followed by the knee, shoulder and lower back. Our data also found that most of injuries happened during practice and students tended to seek traditional Chinese medicine treatments once they were injured rather than seeking western medical care. Ninety-nine injured students experienced re-injuries. Those who had knee injuries carried a 2.1 times (95% C.I. 1.22-3.84) higher re-injury risk than the rest. Those who received medical treatment had 0.32 times higher re-injury risk than those who did not receive any treatment. The re-injury rate did not show notable influence by baseline factors at the first injury, such as age, gender, weight, height, injury time and different levels of body contact from different sports. This may be due to small sample size, or injuries occurred the most during practicing hours, and only one-year short-term follow-up in this study. Further investigation is needed in order to collect more injury and re-injury data for a longer period to give a full conclusion for injury and risk factors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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