


Influence of Athletes' Optimism on the Post-injury's Emotional Responses and Coping Behavior




盧俊宏(Frank J.H. Lu);林登松(Teng-Song Lin);黃璟蕙(Shari J.H. Huang);曹育翔(Yu-Shian Tsao)


樂觀傾向 ; 運動傷害 ; 情緒反應 ; 因應行為 ; optimism ; sport injury ; emotion ; coping




36期(2004 / 03 / 01)


107 - 118




本研究目的在採用Wiese-Bjornstal及其研究同僚(Wiese-Bjornstal , Smith , Shaffer & Morrey, 1998)的運動傷害後心理反應整合模式,檢驗運動員樂觀傾向與受傷後情緒反應和因應行為的關係。本研究以參加中華民國九十學年度大專運動會55位運動員(男=39人、女=16人;平均年齡=21.19±2.29)為研究對象。本研究以生活導向量表(Life Orientation Test,簡稱LOT;吳靜吉,1996)、因應方式量表(周文欽,1995)、和盤斯心情量表(POMS;張鐿鐘、盧俊宏,民 90)為測量工具,在大會運動傷害處理站召募受傷運動員進行研究。原始資料以Pearson積差相關進行分析後發現:受傷運動員樂觀傾向和正面情緒的活力、自尊成正相關;但和負面的情緒的疲勞和沮喪成負相關;而與迷惑、憤怒、緊張無關。同時,受傷運動員樂觀傾向和因應方式的接納與成長、積極因應、尋求社會支持、尋求情緒支持成正相關;但和情緒發洩、拒絕接受、心理解離無關。研究結果雖然大部份支持Wiese-Bjornstal等人(1998)模式,但本研究發現影響運動員受傷後情緒反應和因應行為相關的干擾變項相當多,且這些干擾變項與傷害後心理反應彼此關係複雜,仍有待未來研究者進一步努力。除此之外,本研究建議未來研究者可採質的研究為替代的研究途徑,以期一步一步揭開運動傷害後心理反應的神秘面紗。


Adopting from Wiese-Bjornstal et al.'s integrated model of psychological responses to the sport injury and rehabilitation process (Wiese-Bjornstal, Smith, Shaffer & Morrey, 1998), the purpose of this study was to examine the influence of athletes' optimism on post-injury's emotional responses and coping behavior. This study recruited 55 intercollegiate student athletes (males = 39; females = 16, with mean age of 21.19+ 2.29) who injured in the 2001 University Games of Taiwan and administered with Life Orientation Test (Scheier & Carver, 1985), COPE scale (Caver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989), and abbreviated Profile of Mood Scale (POMS, Grove & Prapavessis, 1992). Results indicated that injured athletes' optimism positively correlated with vigor and esteem of POMS and negatively correlated with fatigue and depression. Also, injured athletes' optimism positively correlated with positive coping strategies such as adoption and growth, positive coping, seeking emotional and social support. This study supported most prediction of Wiese-Bjornstal et al's model. However, the authors suggested that future research may adopt qualitative approach to examine the relationship between post-injury's emotional responses and coping behavior for too many factors might moderate the relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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