


The Relationship Among the Ability of Stress Coping, the Degree of Exercise Participation, and Health Fitness of Primary School Students in Chiayi




沈連魁(Lain-Kei Shen)


運動參與程度 ; 健康體適能 ; 壓力 ; 因應 ; degree of exercise participation ; health-fitness ; stress ; coping




36期(2004 / 03 / 01)


95 - 106




本研究之目的旨在探討嘉義市國小學童壓力因應能力與其運動參與程度及健康體適能之關係。本研究以嘉義市國小高年級學童為抽樣母群,有效樣本為603名,以「兒童壓力因應能力量表」、「運動參與程度調查表」及體適能檢測為測量工具,所獲得之資料以單因子變異數分析,薛費氏法事後比較及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析。分析結果如下: (一)不同壓力因應能力的學童,在運動參與程度的差異達顯著差異(p<0.05)。學童壓力因應能力低者,其運動參與程度較低,而其身體組成、心肺適能、柔軟度及肌耐力亦較差。相反的,壓力因應能力高者,其運動參與程度越高,心肺適能及柔軟度亦較好。 (二)學童壓力因應能力與運動參與程度、體前彎、仰臥起坐呈正相關,而與800公尺跑走呈負相關。而運動參與程度與立定跳遠、仰臥起坐呈正相關,與800公尺跑走呈負相關。 整體而言,壓力因應能力與運動參與程度及健康體適能可說是息息相關,壓力因應能力差的學童,其運動參與程度較低,其健康體適能亦較差。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among the ability of stress coping, the degree of exercise participation, and health fitness of primary school students in Chiayi. The 603 valid subjects from upper-grade students of 4 primary schools in Chiayi were asked to fill out questionnaires including ”Children's Ability of Stress Coping Scales” & ”Borg's Seven-day Exercise Participation Scales” and were measured their health fitness. Statistical analyses were made by means of one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's method and Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings were: (1) Children of various stress coping abilities displayed significant differences in the degree of exercise participation (p<0.05). Those with low ability of stress coping were significantly worse in body mass index (BMI), cardio-pulmonary fitness, physical flexibility and muscular endurance. Conversely, those with high ability of stress coping were better in the degree of exercise participation, cardio-pulmonary fitness and physical flexibility. (2) There was positive correlation between the ability of stress coping and parameters such as the degree of exercise participation, sit up-flexed leg and sit-and-reach tests. However, there was negative correlation between the ability of stress coping and 800-meter run-walk. The correlation of the degree of exercise participation with standing broad jump and sit up-flexed leg was significantly positive, but negative with 800-meter run-walk. Generally speaking, the ability of stress coping has a very close relationship with the degree of exercise participation and health-fitness. That is to say, children with lower ability of stress coping tend to have lower degree of exercise participation and worse health-fitness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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