


The Predictive Power and Interaction of Dispositional Goal Orientation and Perceived Motivational Climate on Perceived Ability




李炯煌(Chiung-Huang Li)


成就目標 ; 多元迴歸 ; 手球 ; achievement goal ; multiple regression ; handball




37期(2004 / 09 / 01)


133 - 147




本研究目的在探討特質目標取向和知覺動機氣候對能力知覺的預測力,以及特質目標取向與知覺動機氣候在預測能力知覺之交互作用影響;研究對象為271名來自國內17所中學手球校隊選手(男性=152名;女性=119名), 平均年齡為1531歲,皆自願完成填寫一組測量特質目標取向、知覺動機氣候和能力知覺等問卷。經由調節階層迴歸分析,結果發現(一)最能預測能力知覺的自變項端賴選手的性別而定。(二)女性選手的特質目標取向和知覺動機氣候在預測能力知覺具有明顯的交互作用。根據研究結果,本研究認為當依變項較偏向個人特質時,男女選手最具影響力的自變項分別是知覺精熟氣候和工作取向,而女性選手的自我取向與能力知覺問的關係會受到知覺表現氣候的有效修正。


The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive power and interaction of dispositional goal orientations and perceptions of motivational climate on perceived ability. Two hundred and seventy-one handball players from 17 high school teams, including 152 male players and 119 female players, with the average age of 15.31 years old, participated in the study. All the participants were asked to complete a series of questionnaires, measuring dispositional goal orientations, perceptions of motivational climate, and perceived ability. Data were analyzed with a series of moderated hierarchical regression. Results showed that gender difference functioned as the best predictor for perceived ability and there was a significant interaction between dispositional goal orientation and perceived motivational climate in predicting perceived ability for females. It is suggested that when the dependent variable inclined to be more dispositional, the best predictor was perceived mastery climate and task orientation for males and females respectively. Furthermore, for females, the relationship between ego orientation and perceived ability can be effectively altered by perceived performance climate.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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