


A Study of Conflict-Handling Styles and Perceived of Process by the Team Sports Player of Different Roles




陳嘉康(Chia-Kang Chen)


運動團隊 ; 團隊成員角色 ; 衝突處理風格 ; 衝突過程滿意度 ; sports team ; role of team players ; conflict-handling styles ; satisfaction in the process of conflict




37期(2004 / 09 / 01)


215 - 227






This study aimed to investigate the conflict-handling styles and the satisfaction of conflict-handling as perceived by leaders against the interaction of the players of team sports, and to probe a variety of variables in different background, through the role of team player, gender and grade level. A survey was conducted through a modified questionnaire originally developed by Rahin and Witteman. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 540 basketball players, both male and female, from 36 teams of three different grade levels that participated in the Taiwan College Basketball Tournament, 2001. Four hundreds fifty three out of the Five hundreds forty copies (83.9%) were returned. Based on the collected data, through confirmatory factor analysis, MANOVA and the other statistical methods, the following results have been found: 1. The styles of conflict handling in terms of coordination and compromising significantly correlated with the role of team players, who tended to handle conflicts by using an integrated approach as the point guard facing conflict. 2. The styles of conflict handling in terms of arbitration, comprising, and avoidance correlated with the role of team players and gender. The power forward and the center were apparently more inclined to take a reconcilable approach to handle conflicts than the male and female players of other positions assuming. 3. There was no correlation between any conflict-handling style with the role of team players and the teams’ levels. 4. In terms of relations of satisfaction among different roles of team players in the process of dealing with conflict, the point guard’s satisfaction with the process of group leaders’ conflict handling was superior to other positions of the players on the satisfaction of decision-making.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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