


Effects of Personal and Family Factors on Physical Fitness of Elementary School Children




黃世銘(Shih-Ming Hwang);謝錦城(Chin-Cheng Hsieh)


看電視時間 ; 睡眠時間 ; 居家住宅型態 ; 體適能 ; television viewing hours ; sleeping hours ; house type ; physical fitness




38卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


13 - 25






Purpose: To investigate the effects of various personal and family backgrounds on physical fitness of elementary school children. Method: Subjects in this study were 1303 fifth-grade students from Taichung County. On an interview basis, data of physical activity frequency during the break, television viewing hours, sleeping hours, house types, were grouping with a questionnaire. Physical fitness was measured in all subjects. Two statistic analyses, including independent sample two-way ANOVA and t-test were used. Results: 1. The one-minute bend knee sit-up, standing long jump and 800m running test of those who had higher physical activity frequency during the break were significantly better than those of lower frequency. 2. The BMI, one-minute bend knee sit-up and 800m running test of those who had lower television viewing hours were significantly better than those of higher television viewing hours. 3. The BMI and standing long jump of those who had enough sleeping hours were significantly better than those of short sleeping hours. 4. The girls who live in the house where they must climb stairs had excellent performance of 800m running test than who do not. Conclusions: The elementary school children with high physical activity frequency during the break, low television viewing hours and enough sleeping hours have better physical fitness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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