Purpose: By using qualitative approach, this study intended to examine the process of collegiate female elite athletes' sport socialization, and to explore how sport could influence their body image, as well as gender and role identities.
Methods: Eighteen female elite athletes, who were admitted to college due to the outstanding performance in various sports, were interviewed and recorded. Data were transcribed, coded, indexed, and analyzed. Triangulation and member check technique was utilized for data analysis.
Results: The results indicated that: (1) the subjects were greatly influenced by families, schools, and significant others in their sport socialization; (2) both sports participation and the macro environment influenced the subjects' body image, female characteristics, and gender and role identities; and (3) a subculture was identified among collegiate female elite athletes.
Conclusion: Two conclusions were drawn: (1) an emerging model of sport socialization was obtained, specifically; the combination of personalities, families, schools, and sport participation determined subjects' commitment to sports also their gender and role identities; and (2) sport participation seemed to constrain subjects' self-awareness and empowerment regarding their body image, female characteristics, and gender and role identities.
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