


The Influence of the Congruence of Coaches' Leadership on Athletes' Satisfaction: The Intermediate Effect of Trust in Leadership




陳鈺芳(Yu-Fang Chen);高三福(San-Fu Kao)


多元領導模式 ; 教練領導行為一致性程度 ; 運動領導行為 ; 領導信任 ; 滿意度 ; the Multidimensional Model of Leadership ; congruence of leadership ; the leadership for sports ; trust in leadership ; satisfaction




40卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


51 - 61






Purpose: This study, on the one hand, aimed to research the influence of trust in leadership toward players on satisfaction. On the other hand, it aimed to plumb the relativity among the congruence of leadership, satisfaction, and trust in leadership. Methods: This study took the first and the second class competitive teams for study, which played in the finals of UBA and UCA in the 92nd school years. The thesis used questionnaire investigation to study; there were totally 1169 copies delivered and 1005 copies received; the retrieve rate was 86%. After reject the invalid questionnaires which skipped too many items or gave obviously negative answers, we collected 744 available copies to prove the concerned assumption of the study. Results: The statistic analysis showed: 1.the congruence of coaches' leadership had obviously effect with trust in leadership; 2.the congruence of coaches' leadership had obviously effect with athletes' satisfaction; 3.trust in leadership had obviously effect with athletes' satisfaction; 4.the congruence of leadership influenced athletes' satisfaction through the intermediate effect of trust in leadership. Conclusion: The considerate behavior that coaches behave is congruent with the leadership that athletes are favor of; moreover, social support is an important element to attain athletes' trust. According to the above, the congruence in leadership promotes athletes' satisfaction through trust in leadership. Thus, trust in leadership has vital influence on coaches' leadership and leading effects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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