


Tennis Sport Injuries Investigation on University Tennis Players in Taiwan




張維綱(Wei-Gang Chang);張思敏(Szu-Min Chang)


網球 ; 運動傷害 ; 運動賽會 ; 傷害防護員 ; tennis ; sport injury ; exercise competitions ; athletic trainer




40卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


15 - 27






Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the injury location, injury pattern, treatment requirements and the application of treatment between the tennis 1,115 players in different genders and levels. Methods: This study collected 242 treatment records of tennis players from the aid station in 2006 Intercollegiate Sports Event. Differences between two stances were analyzed by chi-square and descriptive statistics for unpaired samples. Results: This results showed (1) In tennis players, shoulder injuries were the most common (18.0%), Secondly, back injuries (12.7%), various sprain (43.2%) and symptoms of suffering heatstroke (15.7%) were common as well. (2) Male tennis players had greater rates of shoulder region injury than female (27.1%:6.2%). Female players had greater rates of thigh region injury than male (12.3%:2.4%). (3)Elite players were had greater rates of shoulder and back injury than normal ones (29.8%:12.6% and 19.2%:9.7%). Normal players had greater rates of elbow and shank injury than elite ones (11.7%:2.1% and 13.6%:4.3%). (4) Tennis players receive treatments by athletic trainer and the equipment they were often applied were ice (70.4%) and taping (12.5%). (5) The rates of the treatments players received were higher in the terminal stages of the competitions. Conclusion: Tennis players easily got injured over extremities or trunk. The injury rates of players are different in genders and distinct levels. Ice and tapping are essentially required in tennis competitions. These results would provide the information for applications in the tennis events or for references to athletic trainers in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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