


Factorial Validity of the Children's 2×2 Achievement Goal in Sport Questionnaire




卓國雄(Kuo-Hsiung Cho);盧俊宏(Frank Jing-Horng Lu)


複核效化 ; 結構方程模式 ; 學童運動員 ; cross-validity ; structural equation modeling ; youth athletes




41卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


37 - 50




目的:本研究乃在檢驗修訂的兒童版運動情境2×2成就目標量表之建構效度和穩定性。方法:採以二批不同的獨立樣本進行二階段結構方程模式分析。第一階段選取第一批370位男女國小學童運動員(男=255;女=115),平均年齡為11.5 ± 0.6歲為樣本,用以進行驗證性因素分析考驗量表的建構效度。第二批獨立樣本也是370位(男=242;女=128),平均年齡為11.6 ± 0.6歲,主要是進行第二階段複核效化的檢驗。結果:二階段的分析顯示,本量表具有可接受的建構效度內部面向證據,以及具有跨樣本的量表穩定性。結論:此修訂量表是一份適合作為評估本地國小學童運動員四向度成就目標的測量工具。


Purpose: The current study was to examine the factorial validity and stability of a revised version of the Children's 2×2 Achievement Goal in Sport Questionnaire (CAGSQ). Methods: This study included two stages with two independent samples for the analyses. The first sample consisted of 370 elementary students (225 males and 115 females, mean age 11.54±0.61 years) who involving in variety competitive sports using confirmatory factor analysis to test the factorial validity of the CAGSQ. Results: Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that the CAGSQ had appropriate structural validity and reliability. In the second stage, another 370 elementary students (242 males and 128 females, mean age 11.60 ± 0.62 years) were sampled to cross-validate the predictive power. Results indicated that model's stability and predictive power were acceptable. Conclusion: The presented study suggested that future study may apply this revised version of the Children's 2×2 Achievement Goal in Sport Questionnaire (CAGSQ) to examine related issues in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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