


The Mechanism of Parents' Influences on Children's Beliefs and Behaviors in Sport and Children's Perceived Quality of Parents' Involvement




賴雅馨(Ya-Hsin Lai);廖主民(Chu-Min Laio)


期望價值信念 ; 父母社會化 ; 父母涉入的品質 ; 運動參與行為 ; expectancy-value beliefs ; parents socialization ; the qulity of parents involvement ; sport participation




41卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


15 - 28




目的:主要以Eccles等(1983)的期望價值理論及Eccles,Wigfield,與Schiefele (1998)的父母社會化模式爲基礎來探討父母影響兒童參與運動的機制。方法:以國小二、三、四年級學童及其父母(N=674)爲施測對象。分別以階層迴歸及標準迴歸分析進行兩階段資料分析。第一階段分別以父母親的期望、價值信念、行爲涉入及器材提供爲預測變項,兒童知覺父母涉入的品質爲調節變項,兒童的期望、價值信念分別爲效標變項。第二階段則是以兒童的期望、價值信念爲預測變項,兒童的運動參與行爲則爲效標變項。結果:父母親的期望、價值信念及行爲涉入對於兒童的期望、價值信念的影響並不會受到兒童知覺父母涉入的品質所調節,但父母親的期望、價值信念對於兒童的期望價值信念有顯著的預測力,且父親的行爲涉入對於兒童的期望信念也有預測力。另外,兒童知覺父母涉入的品質對於兒童的期望信念有預測力,且兒童的價值信念對於兒童的運動參與行爲也有預測力。結論:兒童知覺父母涉入的品質並不會調節父母的信念及行爲涉入與兒童的運動信念及行爲兩者之間的關係,但卻會直接影響兒童的運動信念及行爲。此因素提供未來在探討父母影響兒童參與運動的機制,另一個值得探究的方向。


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of parents on children's sport participation, based on expectancy-value model (Eccles et al., 1983) and parents socialization model (Eccles, 1998). The main research question was that whether the influence of parents' expectancy-value beliefs and involvement behaviors to children's expectancy-value beliefs and sport participation was moderated by children's perceived quality of their parents' involvement. Methods: Children and parents of grade 2 to 4 from three elementary schools participated in this study. Sequencial and standred regression analyses were conducted. Predictor variables were parents' expectancy-value beliefs, levels of behavior involvement, and equipment provision. Moderate variables were children's perceived quality of parents' involvement, and criterion variables were children's expectancy-value beliefs and sport participation. Results: Results did not show that the prediction of parents expecyancy-value beliefs and involvement behaviors to children's expectancy-value beliefs was moderated by children's perceived quality of parents' involvement. However, parents' expectancy-value beliefs did predicte children's expectancy-value beliefs and father's behavior involvement, but not mothers', predicted children's expectancy beliefs. For children, their perceptions of parents' involvement predicted their expectancy beliefs, and their value beliefs predicted their levels of sport participation. Conclusion: The relationship of parents' expectancy-value beliefs, involvement behaviors and children's expectancy-value beliefs, sport participation was not moderated by children's perceived quality of their parents' involvement, but children's perceived quality of their parents' involvement can directly influence on children's expectancy-value beliefs and sport participation. The factor will offer a deserving of guide to examine the influence of parents on children's sport participation in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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