


The Relationship of Exercise Stages, Psychological Needs and Subjective well-being Among College Students




陳建瑋(Chien-Wei Chen);季力康(Li-Kang Chi)


跨理論模式 ; 活動理論 ; 性別差異 ; transtheoretical model ; activity theory ; gender difference




42卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


25 - 37






Purpose: Investigate the relationship between exercise stages, psychological needs and subjective well-being as well as the differences of psychological needs and subjective well-being in various exercise stages. Method: The participants were 431 college students (169 males, 262females) recruited from different universities in Taiwan. Average age was 19.91 years old. After the participants agreed, let them write a questionnaire to measure their exercise stages, level of psychological needs and subjective well-being. Results: First, there were significant correlations between subjective well-being, exercise stages and psychological needs. Second, there were significant differences between different exercise stages, more well-being in higher stages. There were significant differences between psychological needs in different stages, more feeling of autonomy, competence and relatedness in higher stages. Nevertheless, gender differences were found, males did more exercise and had more feelings of autonomy, but females had more feelings of relatedness. Conclusion: There are high connections between exercise, psychological needs and subjective well-being, but we should notice the gender differences in various exercise stages and psychological needs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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