


Effects of the Mountaineering Education Courses with leave-no-trance Principles on Environmental Attitude




吳崇旗(Chung-Chi Wu)


登山教育課程 ; 環境態度 ; 無痕山林LNT凖則 ; 戶外冒險教育 ; mountaineering education courses ; environmental attitude ; LNT principles ; outdoor adventure education




42卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


69 - 82




目的:本研究旨在建構一套以無痕山林(LNT)準則介入的登山教育課程,並檢視其實施成效。方法:爲達研究目的,研究者採「不等組前-後測設計」準實驗設計,依有無選修LNT課程,分爲實驗組與對照組,每組各18大學生。採用「環境態度」量表(包含:環境倫理、環境謬誤、環境情感、主動行爲與不當行爲5個構面)分別進行前、後測以檢視課程實施成效,並利用SPSS 12.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行資料分析。結果:一、實驗組參與者在「環境態度」量表後測分數上高於前測。二、對照組參與者在「環境態度」量表前後測分數上則無明顯增長。三、實驗組參與者在「環境態度」的後測分數上,均明顯優於對照組參與者,並達到統計上顯著水準。結論:以無痕山林準則介入的登山課程能夠增進參與者的正面環境態度,此結果可提供未來登山教育參考。


Purpose: To construct a serial of mountaineering education courses with leave-no-trace principles (short for LNT courses) and examine the effects for the courses. Methods: Quasi-experimental as well as the pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups design were used. The participants were university students divided into two groups: experimental group with participating in LNT courses (n=18) while control group without (n=18). The environmental attitude scale (including 5 subscales such as environmental ethics, misunderstandings, affections as well as active and improper actions) was took to pretest and posttest the effects. Data analysis was conducted by SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Results: For the experimental group, post-test scores of environmental attitude were higher than the pre-test ones. 2. There was no significant increase in post-test scores for environmental attitude for the control group. 3. The experimental group received more significant post-test scores in environmental scale than the control group. Conclusion: The experimental LNT courses could contribute to the improvement for environmental attitude and act as reference for future mountaineering education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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