


Recognition and Respect Ounslgsen of Gender Construction in Text of Sport News in Taiwan




安碧芸(Pi-Yun An);駱碧蓮(Phaik-Lean Loh)


媒體 ; 運動 ; 女子壘球 ; 性別研究 ; mass media ; sports ; women softball ; gender study




42卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


83 - 97






Purpose: This study attempted to examine the different gender representative strategies existing in sport texts by comparing the news coverage of 2008 Beijing Olympic Asia/Oceania Regional qualifying softball and baseball tournament. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative (discourse analysis) methods were used to pore over the appearance and connotation in sport news texts of Taiwan newspapers. Results: Coverage of men baseball tournament was significantly greater than women softball tournament and gender imbalances are reflected in the media coverage. Conclusion: This content analysis found that female athletes consistently receive less recognition than men on the sports coverage. Besides, this study has also found that female athletes were still under-represented in the media. Media coverage failed to mirror female athletes' athletic achievements and skills, but rather frequently portrayed about their physical appearance and feminine heterosexual attractiveness. Female athletes were still usually in stereotypical roles and gender stereotyping had degraded them.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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