


The Prediction of 2×2 Goal Orientations and Hope on Stress Coping Strategies among College Athletes




陳建瑋(Chien-Wei Chen);季力康(Li-Kang Chi)


成就目標理論 ; 路徑思考 ; 效能思考 ; 壓制效果 ; achievement goal theory ; pathway thinking ; agency thinking ; suppression effect




42卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


71 - 86






Purpose: To investigate the relationships between 2×2 goal orientations, hope and stress coping strategies as well as the predictions of 2×2 goal orientations and hope on stress coping strategies. Methods: The participants were 192 college athletes (135 males, 57females) recruited from several colleges in north Taiwan. Average age was 20.46 years, SD was 2.10, average training time was 8.4 years, SD was 2.96. Let them write a battery of scales included 2×2 goal orientations, hope and stress coping strategies in non-competition situation. Results: First, two approach goals had higher correlations with coping strategies. mastery-approach goal was positively correlated with problem-focused strategy and emotional-focused strategy, but had no correlation with avoidance strategy. Performance-approach goal and hope were positively correlated with three types of coping strategies. Second, hope and 2×2 goal orientations were effectively predictors of stress coping strategies, and hope was stronger predictor of problem-focused strategy and emotional-focused strategy, but the suppression effect in regression analysis was noteworthy. Conclusion: There are high connections between 2×2 goal orientations, hope and stress coping strategies, we should keep on examining the relationship between 2×2 goal orientations and hope or examining other variations in sport field based on hope theory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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