


The Investigation of the problem-based Learning Strategy with Computer Enhance Technique on High School Students' health-related Fitness Learning Attitude




黃美瑤(Mei-Yao Huang)


資訊科技 ; 問題導向教學策略 ; 健康體適能 ; computer enhance technique ; health-related fitness ; problem-based learning strategy




42卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


87 - 99




Purpose: To investigate how the problem based learning strategy with computer enhances technique affects high-school students' learning attitude toward physical education. Methods: Four intact classes with one hundred and thirty-nine students and their teachers from two schools were participated in this study. Two classes were randomly selected as an experimental group (n=6) and received a problem-based learning strategy with computer enhances technique in physical education class for 10 weeks. Two classes were design as a comparable group (n=73) and received a traditional teaching strategy in physical education for 10 weeks. The students in both groups were met for twice a week and each class received fifty minutes lesson. The SPSS for Windows 12.0 was used to analysis all the data. The descriptive, mean, SD, paired samples t-test, and independent t-test analysis were used to analysis the data. The level of significance for acceptance or rejection for this study was set at the .05 level. Results: (a) There was a significantly overall and behavior intention difference on post-test of comparable group (t=2.07, 2.61, p<.05). (b) There was a significantly overall, practical, behavior intention difference on post-test of experimental group (t=-2.73, -4.64, -2.87, p<.05). (c) There was a significantly overall, favorite, practical, behavior intention difference between the experimental group and comparable group (t=-3.55, -2.87, -4.44, -4.09, p<.05). Conclusions: Problem-based learning strategy with computer enhances technique was effectively increased learning attitude toward physical education among high school students. The positive or negative attitudes of students toward physical education may influence the willing participate physical activity in the future.


Purpose: To investigate how the problem based learning strategy with computer enhances technique affects high-school students' learning attitude toward physical education. Methods: Four intact classes with one hundred and thirty-nine students and their teachers from two schools were participated in this study. Two classes were randomly selected as an experimental group (n=6) and received a problem-based learning strategy with computer enhances technique in physical education class for 10 weeks. Two classes were design as a comparable group (n=73) and received a traditional teaching strategy in physical education for 10 weeks. The students in both groups were met for twice a week and each class received fifty minutes lesson. The SPSS for Windows 12.0 was used to analysis all the data. The descriptive, mean, SD, paired samples t-test, and independent t-test analysis were used to analysis the data. The level of significance for acceptance or rejection for this study was set at the .05 level. Results: (a) There was a significantly overall and behavior intention difference on post-test of comparable group (t=2.07, 2.61, p<.05). (b) There was a significantly overall, practical, behavior intention difference on post-test of experimental group (t=-2.73, -4.64, -2.87, p<.05). (c) There was a significantly overall, favorite, practical, behavior intention difference between the experimental group and comparable group (t=-3.55, -2.87, -4.44, -4.09, p<.05). Conclusions: Problem-based learning strategy with computer enhances technique was effectively increased learning attitude toward physical education among high school students. The positive or negative attitudes of students toward physical education may influence the willing participate physical activity in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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