


The Effective Coaching Behaviors for the Certified Coaches of Unite States Professional Tennis Registry




曾沈連魁(Shen-Lien-Kuei Zeng);呂坤岳(Kun-Yue Lu)


教練指導行為 ; 指導策略 ; 指導氣氛 ; 質性研究 ; coaching behaviors of coach ; coaching strategy ; coaching atmosphere ; qualitative inquiry




43卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


131 - 147






Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the effective coaching behaviors for the certified coaches of Unite States Professional Tennis Registry (PTR). Methods: Based on the qualitative methods, two certified coaches of USPTR in Taiwan were interviewed by using semi-structured interviews document analysis, and then actual coaching situation was observed for six weeks by participation observation. All of information was rearranged, induced, compared, and analyzed. Results: The results of this study indicated that the main concepts of the effective coaching behaviors for the USPTR coaches were included coaching plans, coaching strategy, coaching evaluation, and coaching atmosphere. The coaching plans were included coaching objectives and coaching materials. The coaching strategies were included clear demonstration and explanation, the practice by turns, high practice volume, individual difference, encouragement, and learn safely. The coaching evaluations were included praise, and movements correct and feedbacks. The coaching atmosphere was included coach expectancy, class managements, and discipline enthusiasm. Conclusion: This study showed clearly the important contents and concepts of the effective coaching behaviors for the USPTR coaches those could contribute to improve the coaching quality and help students to learn effectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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