


Baseball Swing Timing and Accuracy of the Ball Type Judgement of the perception-action Coupling




郭丁良(Ding-Liang Kuo);楊梓楣(Chih-Mai Yang)


生態心理學 ; 直接知覺 ; 時宜準確性 ; ecological psychology ; direct perception ; timing accuracy




43卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


79 - 90






Purpose: This study aimed at investigating accuracy of ball type judgement through verbal and action, and the effect of different actions on baseball batting in the situations of perception-action coupling and perception-action uncoupling. Methods: The modified bassin anticipation timer was used as instrument of the experiment. Twelve expert baseball batters and twelve novices served as the participants. In the uncoupling situation (verbal) and the coupling situation (button-pressing、swing), sixteen trials were executed respectively. 2×3 and 2×2 (group× situation) mixed design ANOVA were used to analyze the absolute timing error in the coupling situation, and accuracy of ball type judgement in both situations as well. Results: (a) There were significantly higher in accuracy of judgement in verbaling than in button pressing and swinging conditions between the two groups of participants; (b) In the coupling situation, the absolute timing error was less in swing than in the button-pressing situation. Conclusion: The decision of bating swing does not depend on cognitive function; the sport experience and the similar movement to real sport were helpful to pick up the relevant information.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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