


Exercise is Medicine-A Global Exercise for Health Promotion Program for Everyone




許世全(Sai-Chun Hui)


運動處方 ; 身體活動 ; 健康推廣 ; 預防醫學 ; exercise prescription ; physical activity ; health promotion ; preventive medicine




43卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 7




運動是良藥(Exercise is Medicine)是一項新倡導的健康促進運動的口號,旨在鼓勵醫療工作者將運動作為一項治療和預防疾病的重要手段,同時也呼籲全球各界人士,包括醫護人員、健康教育及健體專業人員、志願機構、社會大眾傳媒及公眾人士等等,一同參與身體力行,並轉介他人,以達推己及人之效應。研究顯示,大多數人並沒有達到所建議的運動量,大部份介入措施成效仍欠理想,而且投入人力資源龐大。運動是良藥倡導計畫意識到要改變健康行為,是需要考慮多重因素,上述個人、醫療工作者、健康和體適能專業人士、家庭、學校、媒體等等。因此,只有全部或者大部分因素都被兼顧到,運動推廣計畫才能更為有效。因此運動是良藥計畫將以網路為基礎,鼓勵各相關人士共同參與和推動,美國的網站率先於2010年成立,香港亦正在積極籌備中。成效如何?我們拭目以待。


”Exercise is Medicine” is a new global initiative to encourage the inclusion of exercise as a treatment and prevention strategy for patients given by healthcare providers. At the same time, it provides online resources for supporting medical and healthcare professionals, fitness instructors, health educators, organizations and communities for commitment and partnership. Research indicates that most people do not achieve the recommended amount of exercise. Most intervention programmes do not achieve satisfactory result due to the failure of including multiple factors that affect exercise participation into consideration. ”Exercise is Medicine” provides a boundless platform for integrating various important factors and stakeholders together so as to maximize the effectiveness of exercise promotion and dissemination. The first ”Exercise is Medicine” website was launched in 2010 in the USA. A Chinese website of ”Exercise is Medicine” is under construction in Hong Kong. Is the website really successful in promoting exercise participation? We look forward for seeing the answer soon in future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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