Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of golf putter grip size on grip pressure in elite golfers. Methods: Eight expert college golfers and eight novice college golfers were involved in this study. The grip pressure was measured by Pliance-x System Golf sensor-S2035 at 50Hz with the sensor mat rolled on the putter to measure the grip pressure distribution during the putting stroke. The phase of putting stroke was identified from 150-Hz video. Intraclass were compared using dependent t-test and one-way analysis of variance to determine differences in grip pressure and putting performance. Results: There were no significant difference between putting distance and direction control in different putter grip size for elite players, but novice player had better direction control with thin grip than median grip. Expert and novice golfer's grip pressure for different grips did not remain the same throughout the whole stroke, it might be affected by the different phase of stroke and the stroke speed. Conclusion: The research discussed in this paper suggests that novice players should use a thin putting grip to improve direction control. There were similar trend in putting distribution between expert and novice players, therefore, grip pressure may not have a major influence in putting performance. The effect of putting grip size on wrist movement can be discussed in a further study.
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